Chapter 2

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The Flash Back

It was the first day of highschool and I couldn't wait to see Colby and my friends. Well Colby and them have been a little distant but I'm sure it's nothing. Anyway I start my day off like I always do and get dressed. Then after all that jazz i walk to school cause I'm not old enough to drive yet. Either way I got to school and I see Colby. "Hey Colbs." I say smiling happily to see him. "Hey.   y/n." He says a bit shy. "Well are you gonna stand there or give me a hug like we always do." I say walking towards him a bit more. "Um y/n the boys and I were talking.. uh we can't be friends anymore." I back up a bit from this sudden news. "W..What. why?" I ask completely confused. "Well I mean the boys and I are growing up and your well, childish." I look at him. At his bright blue eyes. I've always had a thing for Colby I never told him though. "C..Colby we've been friends are whole lives and you want to through away 15 years of memories." I say trying not to cry. "I..I uh.. um.. y/n I have a girlfriend her name is Shea and well I can't have her thinking I'm with you." I look at him broken and hurt. "C..Colby.. a..are friendship.." I say as a tear falls down my face. "Y/n I just can't with you, don't you see! Your so damn childish! Like the fucking hell did you think we had something! Cause we don't do you know how much of an embarrassment it would be to date you!" He yells at my face. Getting everyone's attention. "C..Colby I..I never-" "Shut the fuck up y/n! I don't care your such a piece of shit! Why the hell we were friends I dont know but your so fucking worthless! Just fucking die!" He said walking away leaving me in tears... with the whole school watching and laughing at me.    

Needless to say that first day wasn't easy. Until I met Annie at least she was the only kind person to me that first day of school. I still 4 years later don't know where that out burst of hate came from.. I wish I knew maybe I could've fixed what I did wrong.

Annie's POV
I'm here sitting with Corey my amazing boyfriend. I feel bad leaving y/n but she said I could go, but I know how she gets.. all of a sudden Corey pulls me out of my thoughts "baby you ok?" He asked concerned "hmm? Yeah.. I just feel bad for leaving y/n alone." I say looking down. Someone starts laughing and I look up to see Colby laughing. "Why would you feel but she's a worthless slut anyway." He continued laughing and that just pissed me off. "SHUT THE FUCK UP COLBY YOU THE REASON SHE'S ALWAYS UPSET!" I yelled getting everyone's attention. He looked at me. "Pshh yeah right." He doesn't believe me. I decided he's not worth arguing with and shut up. But I look over at   y/n seeing she's crying. I look over at Corey and whisper to him. "I'm gonna go back to y/n she's crying." He looks at me then to her. He whispers back. "Ok babe, love you." He says kissing me cheek. I start to get up but turn around and give him a quick kiss on the lips. Then I walk back to y/n and I's table.

Y/n's POV
I didn't even realize I was crying until my eyes were stinging. I don't even know why I'm crying. Colby's right I am a worthless piece of shit. I sit there all alone crying my eyes out until someone sits down. "Y/n are you ok?" The person asks. I instantly know who it is. "Yes Annie, I'm fine." I say wipping away my tears. "Y/n your not ok why else would you be crying." She says. I look up at her. "Don't you get Annie! I fucking hate this world! I hate being in it!" I yelled at her. Getting up and walking out of the cafeteria with everyone's eyes on me..


Annie's POV
Schools ended and I can't find y/n anywhere not to mention she lashed out on my at lunch. Which makes me worried. "Ughh Corey this isn't good!" I yelled freaking out. "Annie I'm sure she's fine" he says in a calming voice. Then of course Sam had to say something "If anything she ran away she'd do us a favor." Then Brennen said, "Yeah I fucking hated that bitch."
Waiting for Colby's response? Mhmm well Shea spoke his mind. "Yeah talk about a fucking slut I hate her she's so rude the best she can do is kill herself." Colby agreed. I walked up to him and slapped him. "You! Used to be her best friend! Now since you have such a dick sucking whore of a girlfriend! You treat y/n like shit! All of you do, you used to all be her best friends! Then fucking Shea comes around and you guys hate her!" I yelled very loud getting the students in the courtyards attention. "Like any of the stuff actually affects her." Brennen says with Colby and Sam agreeing, along with Shea. "If only you knew." I mumbled under my breath so no one could hear. "Uhh Annie want me to drive you home?" Corey asked politely. "Yeah,sure." I said still pissed and walked of with him.

Y/n's POV
I ran out of that school so fast. I feel bad I lashed out on Annie. She probably hated me now.. anyway I drive home considering it's the end of the day. When I get home I run straight up the stairs to my room. My mom works late and my dad works late as well so I'm always home alone till at least 11. I walk into my bathroom and go in my draw getting the one thing that let's me escape reality.. my razors. I have all different ones but I just pick a classically one. I cut 5 for Colby. 4 for Shea. 3 for lashing at Annie. 1 for Sam and Brennen. 1 for Corey. Then 2 big deep ones on my thighs.. by now blood is everywhere but the wrists ones weren't deep so I'm fine. I'm used to it, my mom and my dad don't know about it. If they did I'd be grounded for ever. I stand up and clean the blade then I wrap my cuts up. I walk out of my room changing into a hoodie.. Colby's hoodie to be exact and a pair of joggers. I lay down in my bed thinking about everything. Your probably wondering why I have Colby's clothes. Well because we were best friends he'd leave some clothes here. So there's some of his pants,boxers,shirts,hoodies,etc. I just lay there with no care in the world.. for once. My eyelids start to get heavy. Soon enough I drift off into a deep sleep.

1216 words

Ok, so just so you know it's like March 30 in the story.  Also I hope I didn't offend anyone with the cutting.  If I did I'm sorry.  Its just a story.  Anyway thank you for.     reading.                   

          -Bye luvs♡

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