Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV
The next day.. after everything that happened I don't want to go to school but I have to. So o get dressed (at the top) and I walk down stairs to see a note on the table

Dear y/n,

Your father and I had to leave early and will be back at 12 tonight.

Love Mom xoxo

Well ok then. What ever. Time to get an apple and go to school. I walk out of the house lock the door and bite my apple. I think I'll walk today. I take out my phone and put my earbuds in turning on my music. I continue walking while eating my apple. As I'm walking i get a tap on my shoulder. I take out my earbuds and turn around to see Annie and Corey. "Y/n are you ok?" She asks worried and has obviously been crying all night. "I..I'm fine Annie." I say not making eye contact. "D..did you.." she points to my wrist. I slowly nod. See only Corey and Annie know I cut. She walks up to me and hugs me tightly "How bad." She says not even asking. "V..very bad." I say quietly. She looks at me and grabs Corey's and my hand and we continue walking to school. Just before we get there Annie says, "y/n take off your flannel." I look at her like she's crazy. "Annie what!?!" I say confused. "I want Colby and them to show how much they hurt you and what they do isn't right." I sigh.. "Annie pl-" "No y/n your taking it off." I look down and take it off slowly and then tie it around my waist. "There.. now that will show Colby." She says smiling at me brightly. I look at her and I smile back, because for once I'm actually happy. We walk into school and instantly all eyes were on me. Quite honestly I didn't mind it so I just went to my locker while Annie went wherever with Corey. As I'm looking through my locker I hear laughing. "Oh if it isn't y/n the little mighty slut." I know that annoying voice, it's Shea. "Well hello cock sucking whore."I say smiling at her. "Hmm? What's this." She grabs my arms turning them over to expose my cuts. She starts laughing "Oh my god the fucking slut cuts for attention!" Shea yelled as everyone looked at us even Colby. "Actually Shea it's not for attention I've done this for 6 years since 7th grade, I've just never exposed them till now." I say taking my arms back from her grasp and shutting my locker. "Well it's a start for you to die." Shea says being sassy. "Mhmm maybe it's a start for you to stop sucking cock, oh wait that will never stop." I say pushing past her, walking over to Annie and Corey. "Oh my god I'm proud of you!" Annie said hugging me. "Umm this is nice and all my Colby's coming over here." Corey says pointing behind me. I turn around to be face to- well.. face to chest with Colby. "Y..y/n you've done this since 7th grade and never said anything.." he says looking at me with he bright icy blue eyes. "U..uh yeah.." I said looking down. Damnit y/n why are you nervous all of a sudden. "Is this why you stopped going to the beach and out to the pool with us." He says referring to him,Sam,Brennen, and Corey. "Y..yes.." I said still not looking at him. "Y/n... I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry.." he said with his voice cracking almost as if he was crying. I look up and believe or not Colby, Colby Brock was crying over me. Literally. He backs up and runs out the school building.

Time skip to the next day

I'm honestly worried I haven't seen Colby in a while. I just hope he's ok..

Colby's POV
I had to run yesterday the love of my life has been hurting for six years.. yeah you heard me love of my life. I'm in love with y/n.. I'm only dating Shea cause she said she'd hurt y/n if I didn't I couldn't have that. I didn't know where to run to so I ran to y/n's house hoping for her parents to be there.
Lucky enough they were. "Oh my god Colby it's been so long." Y/n's mom hugs me. "Hehe yeah it has been. Mrs. Y/ln." "Aww sweetie come in and I told you call me Debby." I smile slightly walking in. "So what brings you by anyway y/n isn't home she's at Annie's." She say slightly looking worried. "C..can we sit down." I ask almost crying. "Yes, here in the living room." She says heading there as I follow. "Debby.. I messed up bad, i messed up so bad." I said starting to cry. "Colby what's wrong." Debby asks sweetly. "Y..y/n and I haven't been friends for 4 years that's why I stopped coming over, a..and I ruined everything we had I broke her in so many ways.. I'm dating this girl to protect y/n a..and I can't take it anymore,I love y/n I've always loved her and I cant stand it." I say as my tears pour out like a river. "Aww Colby come here." She said patting the spot next to her. I walk over and sit down. "Now Colby look at me." She says as I look up at her. "Y/n thinks we don't know but her father and I know about the razors.. now your telling my you love y/n but are saying this girl to protect her." She asks still a little confused. "Y...yes." I say wipping my tears away. "Well how about you stay for dinner tonight, it's the weekend so if you and y/n are ok you can stay to." She says hugging me tightly as I hug her back. "Th..thank you Debby.." I say still upset. "Anyway time sweetheart your like my second child." She says getting up and walking to the kitchen. "You know Colby, y/n never got rid of your clothes in her room.. she'll sometimes come out of her room in the morning wearing them and then changes into a different outfit going to sleep." I look up at her. "R..really." "hehe yes, she even made me buy a certain detergent to watch your clothes in." I blush slightly. "O..oh.." I say looking down. "Anyway, umm y/n should be home soon, so I'm sure Caleb would love to catch up with you." "Oh um is he in his office." She turns and looks at me. "Yes he is just knock before you go in.

1155 words

Ok I keep updating but that's ok. So yes its the weekend, and Colby just confessed a lot of things. To clear it up a little he did break up with Shea. She wasn't happy.. anyway when I write the next chapter it will be Your POV and you'll be coming home to well Colby being there. With that said you'll have to wait till the next chapter to find out what happens.

Bye luvs♡

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