Chapter 16

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Y/n.. what are y-" I cut him off....

Y/n's POV

I kissed him. But no normal horny teenager kiss. It was deep and passionate, filled with love. I pull away from him but we're still close together. His hands on around my waist and mine around his neck. "Y/n.. that was amazing.." he says looking down at you. "Hehehe w..well.. um yeah.." I giggle nervously. "Y/n I don't want to be sappy and all the lovey dovey crap." He says with a serious face. As my smile turns to a frown. " want Shea don't you." "No no no no. I want you I just don't want to be the cringy couple. I want a real relationship. Like we're in a relationship but bestfriends too." He says to me. "Oh! Oh my god Colby I got scared I thought you didn't want to date me." I say and hug him. "Babygirl I love you I'd never not want to date you."

Third Person's POV

With that Y/n and Colby started to date. They weren't cringy. They were cute together. Now its August 3. Tour was pretty good the fans know they're back together. Expect tomorrow their show in L.A. is with all the roommates.

Aaron's POV

Tomorrow we're all going to the show. Quite honestly I'm scared. Not cause I haven't been on tour. Which I haven't. But I'm scared to see what the roommates are gonna do. They're freaking crazy. Especially Corey. As of right now I'm at the mall with 
Y/n,Kat,Devyn, and Amanda. See the guys were all 'busy'. Plus the girls feel more safe with a gut around. So I volunteered to go since I wasn't doing anything today. Now if we are to encounter a guy trying to flirt. Kat is my sister, Devyn is my twin, Amanda is my step-sister, and Y/n.. she's my girlfriend. Yeah, I know. But I don't like Y/n she's like a little sister to me. Plus, we only use this plan if we are to encounter guys. Which unfortunately happened. This guy that had blue jeans and a black shirt on. Looked like a cowboy.

Yes your queen just added Heath into the story.

With are stupid luck he was walking this way. Straight to Y/n. Except she was looking at her phone. "Babygirl! It's been a while!" He yelled throwing his hands up. She looks up from her phone. "Baby!" She yells and hugs him tightly. "Hey, she's gotta boyfriend! Watch it!" Kat yelled at him. "Oh trust me baby I know." He said. "Umm I have one too so back off." Kat said annoyed and disgusted. "Umm Y/n?" I ask and she let's go off him and looks at me. "Yes Aaron?" She asks "You have a boyfriend and called him baby. He called you babygirl! What the fuck!?" I yell at her. "Aaron calm down. Heath Aaron. Aaron Heath." She says calmly. "Your cheating in Colby aren't you!" I say to her. "No! I'd never! Heath calls everyone baby or babygirl." She says getting annoyed. "Yeah, Y/n is right, baby." He said to me. "Ughh fine whatever." I say "Alright well it was nice seeing you Heath." She kisses his cheek. "Yeah it was, maybe we can hang sometime. I could see Colby again?" He asks. "Yes! Over course! Bye baby!" She yells as we start to walk away. "Bue babygirl!" He shouts. With that we walked out of the store and to the care. I was beyond pissed. Yes.. because I was jealous. But not of Y/n.. of Heath. Yeah, I'm well.. into dudes! I haven't even told Y/n cause when I was gonna we figured her dad has passed so I couldn't. But it's getting harder to hide it. Mainly cause we live in a house full of guys not to mention I think I like Jake. All I know is this will be one hell of a ride.

676 words

Hello! Yup I made Aaron gay! Hope that's ok! So it's kind if getting annoying putting Y/n so, I'm gonna let you guys decide. Put a name in the comments and I'm gonna use that name for the rest of the book. Also you get to decide should Aaron going with Jake or Heath? Comment below. Until then..

-bye luvs

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