Chapter 20

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Sam's POV

I walk out of Devyn's room and turn right to go down Colby's and I's hallway. As I get to his door I knock lightly hearing faint 'come in'. I open the door seeing Colby on his laptop editing a video he made. "Um Colby can we talk?" I ask closing the door. "Uh sure hold on one second." He said and clicked the upload button. He turns around in his chair and faces me. "What's up man? You look like your upset." He says questioning me. "Well I guess I am upset in a way." I say looking him dead in the eyes. "Well what is it?" He asks leaning back in his chair. "It's Rosa." I say quietly. "What?!" He yells. You could hear the concern in his voice. "Sh..she um is cutting again." I say looking at him with tears in my eye. "W..why!?" He stutters yelling at me with sadness and anger. I look up at him in disbelief. "Are you fucking blind Colby!?" I yell at him. "W..what do you mean?" He asks stuttering. "Your damn fans are fans! They hate her so much. Look on any of her social media!" I yell at him. He pulls out his phone, putting in his password, and as what I'm guessing going to her Instagram. "Oh my god.." he says softly scrolling through his phone. "See, and your gonna make a video. Were gone a make a video to our fanbase." I say to him. "Yes. We are. I'm sorry for being so blind Sam. Let's make this video and then I'll talk to her. Could you handle editing it?" He asks me. "Yes, now come on." I say grabbing his camera.

Colby's POV

Sam grabs my camera and places it in front of us. I click record and wait down. "Alright, its come to my concern that some of are fanbase isn't being really nice." I say looking at Sam to continue. "Well, yes. See.. Rosa and Colby are dating and we've noticed that you guys have been hating on her. With some really rude stuff. So please don't. Honestly, if you don't accept it then leave be-" Sam was cut off by a blood curdling scream.

Rosa's POV

I was outside by the pool. I started live recording. Hundreds of people start joining. "Hey guys.." I say softly as my mascara runs down my face. "So.. you hate me? Well, I'll give you your wish." I say wiping some tears away. Everyone starts commenting what I mean and why. "This live stream.. which will be on the internet, everyone that's hated on me telling me to die, to kill my self. Here's your wish. Your gonna watch me die. I hope your happy." Devyn joined. I only no cause the fans went crazy. She typed what was I doing. All I knew at that moment was I fell in the water. Face first, not coming up. The last thing before I blacked out was hearing Devyn's ear piercing, blood curdling scream.

Colby's POV

Sam and I run down stairs. Leaving the recording camera in the room. We walk outside seeing Decyn struggling to pull a body out of the water. "ROSA! ROSA PLEASE!" We hear her scream. Rosa!? Fuck! I run sliding down near them helping Devyn. "What the hell happened!?" I scream at Devyn. "I don't fucking know Colby! I joined her live and saw her standing there and the fall in!" She yells at me with a mix of angry and sadness. Sam runs over to her phone and clicks a couple buttons. "I..I'll go call the guys." He says running into the house. While Devyn's on the phone. I'm sitting with Rosa looking for a pulse. Finding a very faint one. I tell Devyn, her telling the police. "They'll be here soon. They said do CPR until there here." That's what I did. Starting CPR on my possibly dead girlfriend...

664 words

Well wowowow... yeah.

-bye luvs♡

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