Chapter 5

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It meant nothing to you?

Y/n's POV

It's been 4 days since that Saturday night dinner with Colby. The kiss was amazing but.. I knew there's no fairy tale ending to it. The minute we got back to school. All the bullying came back. Colby started punching and kicking me but this time i felt no pain in my body just my heart, a broken heart. 'I can't believe he played me' "Who played you y/n." You look up to see Annie sitting across from you at lunch, a long with Corey. Oh yeah Corey decided to start sitting with us. Anyway, "hmm.. oh shit you heard that." I say looking at her. "Yeah you said it out loud, now who played you." She asks slightly concerned. "N..nothing Annie forget I said it." I look down fidgeting with my hands. "Y/n is this about the kiss with Colby." Corey says whispering a little. "What! How do you! What!!" I look up at him whisper yelling in shock. "Yeah, he keeps telling everyone.. and um Shea might come for you." I look st h ik m wanting to cry. "Did he say anything else." I speak in a broken tone. " yeah." Corey says looking down a little. "Well go on." I say encouraging him to continue. "Well.. he said how you confessed about cutting, called you a whore.. he said you tried to give him a... um blowjob." I look at Corey in utter shock. "He did what!!" I literally screamed getting people attention and by the looks of it.. Shea's. She walks over on her sassy walk with her little possy behind her. "So you tried to give me baby boy a bjob huh." She says looking disgusted. "Um hell no your boy toy kissed me on the damn lips." I say with a gel lot of attitude. "Sweetie don't lie." She says walking closer to me grabbing my face and squeezing it together with one hand. "Listen to me you little SKANK you lay of my man." She whisper yells in my ear. Let's go of my face and turns to walk away. Except I'm over her shit. "Alright Shea! That photo is gonna be leaked! You fucking asked for it!" I tell at her having every eye on us. "You wouldn't!" She yells furious. "Oh Shea... I would."I pull up the photo and begin to send it to the whole school. "Now Shea I'll make a deal. This photo won't be sent to the whole school and the board, IF you do two little things for me." I say confidently. "I.. uh.. erghhh what is it!" She yells obviously mad. "You right her right now 1. Admit how many and who's guys you've.. you know and 2. Stay the hell away from Colby. But while admitting the first one look Colbg in the eyes and do it. If you don't well this photo is going everywhere. She looks at me shocked along with the rest of the school. "Fine.." she stomps over to Colby. "Alright,I've sucked/fucked 20 guys. Including you Colby. Which consists of half the football team (5 guys).. 3 of the science geeks. 4 of the math geeks. 6 soccer players and then you and.. Brennen..." she say finishing looking down. "Shea you.. my best friend?!" "The hell .. No, the hell Brennen!" He looks honestly pissed and I'd be to if I found that out Shea smiles and looks at Brennen. "Well baby we can be free now." She say smiling brightly. They walk off probably to duck in the closet. With that the day goes by and then before I know it, it's the end of the day an I went to bed.

Time skip next day


Colby's POV

Honestly I'm a little pissed y/n did that but happy to. Yet she probably hates me. Might as well try and talk to her though. I go and walk to her table. Noticing Anne and Corey were there. I sit down next to her and put my arm around her shoulder. "So y/n how are you?" I ask and all I get is a disgusted face and my arm taken off her shoulder. "Fuck off Colby." She says mad. "What? Y/m come on." I put my arm around her waist this time. "COLBY I SAID FUCK OFF!" she yelled with everyone's attention on us. "Damn what the hell y/n." I say getting up with my hands in the air. "The hell to me?!?! The hell to you! You made people think I gave you a fucking blowjob!" I look at her and look down. "I..I know y/n I'm sorry i panicked." "Panicked about what? Huh? I get it Colby its embarrassing to know you kissed me but don't you know when to stop! You've put me through hell and back!" She yells starting to cry. "Y/n I'm not embarrassed to kiss you. I loved are kiss." I say looking into her eyes with a soft smile. "C..Colby I gave you my virginity... and you basically said it to the school." She says crying. Shit now I feel bad I'm putting to much pain on her, in her. "Y/n please don't cry." I say walking up to her and putting my hand on her shoulder. "Colby how am I not supposed to.. you said we were best friends again a..and broke that." She says looking up to me. Her eyes no longer that chocolate brown but the color of the moon. Gray. A heart broken gray.. "y/n please I know I fucked up, I know I did. I do all the time. But please,please,please.. give me another chance to make this right. Make us bestfriends again." I say looking down at her staring to cry myself. "Fine... but, this last chance.. ok." She says looking up and smiling a bit. "Yes,ok, yes!" I say happily wiping her tears and mine away smiling back at her. "Thank you princess." I say and kiss her passionately...

1021 words

Ok that was an odd chapter. Comment what you think should be next. Um to clear a bit next chapter it will be like summer I know big skip but yeah. Also Shea is officially gone and off with Brennen they won't be back at all on the story. But! I new person will so. In the comments.


Put those things now I ask gender because if your character is a boy then they'll be trying to get y/n. If a boy then Colby. But either way comment and vote. Especially comment if you have an idea for a chapter or like a side story. Anyway that's it and I'll update soon!

-Bye luvs♡

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