Chapter 14

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1 week later

Y/n's POV

Honestly, this week has been amazing. Colby and I there's been no drama. We've had a good time at the shows. Now the fans don't know we're dating, yet. Tomorrow we're telling them. On stage of course. In Toronto. See we flew here a day earlier just to get to look around and settle in. I can't wait tomorrow to tell the fans about Colby and I, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Very... actually. As of right now Sam and I are doing karaoke. Let's just say. He's fucking hilarious. I'm recording to send to Kat. You may wonder where Colby went. Well last I checked he said "I'm going for a walk, be back in 10." And walked out. That was an hour ago. But I'm having too much fun with Sam. Plus Colby's 21 he's fine.

Time skip next day

Today! Aghhh! I can't wait! Today is the show and we're telling the fans about Colby and I. He came home to. I don't know what time though. All I know is he's home and safe. Anyway, I get up and take a shower. After, I put on my clothes which consists of.

I love black. Either way I just out on some mascara. Pretty much done. Anyway as I walk out of the bathroom I see the boys are ready. "Finally! You take foreverrr." Sam say exaggerating. "Oh shut up. Ya'll ready?" I ask. "Yes, babe we are." Colby says with a bit of attitude. I didn't put too much mind to it. Considering he probably just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. "Umm. Well ok. Let's go." I say grabbing my phone and wallet, walking to the door.

Time skip to when their on stage

"Alright, how about we do a q&a." Sam say. Everyone erupts in yes. "Ok Y/n you want to start us off?" Sam asks. "Sure, ummm.. girl in the Xplr hoodie." I say pointing to a what looks like 14 year old girl. "Oh myGod! Hi! Hehe sorry just got excited! Umm. Anyway, my question is have you ever been bullied?" She asks. "Uh.. y..yes I have back in middle school all the way through highschool." I say looking down slightly. Sam called on someone. "Ok so is Colby dating Y/n or Shea!? Cause ya'll act like a couple but then I was walking with my friends last night and saw Colby holding Shea's hand." A boy who looks about 17. I lift my head up and look at Colby. "What!?!?" I shout loud enough to hear without the microphone. "Uhhh.. I would never baby." Colby says getting nervous. I look at him in anger. Lifting the microphone to my mouth I say. "Well umm suprise!" I say pissed. "I've been dating him for 3 months now. But I guess he's single again." I say and everyone gasps. " please I didn-" I cut him off. "I didn't, I'm sorry, give me another chance! Colby that's all I hear from you! You bullied me through middle and highschool and so did Sam,Brennen, and Jake! I forgave them because they made it up to me. But you! You fucking liar!" I shout tears coming down my face. By now everyone is shocked and my mascara is running down my face. "Well I wouldn't have cheated if you didn't keep flirting with Sam!" He yells. "Sam!?!? I have never and will never flirt with him! His girlfriend is my bestfriend and you know he's my guy second guy bestfriend!" I tell at Colby. "You two we're flirting yesterday in the hotel room!" He yells back. "Colby we we're doing karaoke and being stupid! You know out of all people Sam and I joke!" I yell. "O..oh.." he says looking down. I stand there and breathe taking deep breaths. I walk over and sit next to Sam and wipe my mascara off my cheeks. "Ok.. let's take a break?" I say looking at the fans, then Sam, then the manger guy. The manger guy nods and comes out on stage. "Alright, um let's take a break. Guys I'm sorry to disappoint you. We will be back in 8. Promise." He says to the fans and walks off stage. I walk off stage next to Sam as the manger goes and talks to Colby. When we get off stage, I turn to Sam and just fall into his arms crying my eyes out. "Shhh.  Y/n it's ok." He says petting my head. " could he." I continued crying for 4 minutes. Until I pulled away and looked at Sam. "Th..Thank you." I say wiping my tears away. "No problem.. I'm gonna go call Kat and tell her what's going on. Why don't you call Aaron?" He suggests. I smile at him. "Good idea." We walk separate ways. I toke his advice and called Aaron. But after I finished telling him.. he said something that made me burst into tears again.

850 words

Ok! I couldn't resist. But what do you think Aaron said!?!? Leave it in the comments below.

-bye luvs♡

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