Chapter 19

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3 days later

Rosa's POV

It's been 3 days since that video, ans quite honestly the amount of support is insane. People are making edits of Jake and Aaron. Making books. It's just insane! I'm so happy to. Cause Aaron is interacting,eating, etc with other people. Him and Jake have been very very close. Now.. as for Colby and I.. not so much I haven't told him but, I've gotten so much hate. All the dms or comments I get. "Fucking get away from him" "your using him" "he hates you" I mean during tour when we were gonna announce we were dating, I figured out he cheated. But then we like toke a break and people thought we were over. Which we were.. but I'd get dms saying they're happy. I get so many hate com now. My fans for a long time. From when I first started. They're saying I can do better. But I love Colby and I don't know how to tell them. I've cried for 3 days straight and Colby thinks its cause I miss my dad. When in reality.. it's all the hate.

Aaron's POV
Jake and I have just gotten closer. I love it. But Rosa, she's been acting a little weird. More like her old self. Maybe I'm just going crazy.

Sam's POV
See considering I bullied Rosa back in high school I know how she gets. Honestly, she's gone back to the same ways. How does Colby not see? "Kat?" I ask her. "Yes Sam?" She ask turning away from her laptop. "Is Rosa ok?" I ask almost stuttering. "As far as I know, yes she is." She says. "! Am I the only one to see she's more upset!" I yell at Kat. "Woah, Sam calm down. Let's go ask Devyn." She suggests getting up. I nodd. We walk over to Corey and Devyn's room. I knock hearing a faint 'come in'. Kat and I walk in seeing Devyn sitting at her vanity. "Devyn?" Kat ask with a slight tone of worryness in her voice. Devyn snaps her head around obviously hearing it. "Kat what's wrong?" Devyn asks getting nervous. "I think Rosa is cutting again." I say looking at Devyn as she stares at me blankly. "W..well.. yes. I guess it could he correct." She says turning back and doing her make up. "I guess? Dev what does that mean!?" Kat yells concerned. "Well haven't you seen all the hate on her page? Her YouTube comments? She's getting called names I didn't think Colby's fans would ever say! I try and talk to her she won't admit anything! She thinks I'm blind when I can clearly see the cuts on her arms!" Devyn yells at us. Instantly regretting it. She sighs. "Sorry guys I'm just stressed about it. Especially since Colby's blind to it." She says. "Well I'll go talk to Colby." I say going to turn to the door. "You staying here babe?" I ask Kat. "Um yeah. We'll think of a way to approach Rosa." She says. I nodd and walk out. This is gonna be hard for him to believe.

527 words

Hello! Ok so cliffhanger so hahaha! I'll see you next Sunday!

-bye luvs♡

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