1: Search.

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Hi & Welcome to INFIDELITY BOOK 1, I started writing this book when I was 18 & I'm glad to say that it's official finished (minor edits need to be made). However, you can follow me on Instagram @jonisha01 to connect with me more & to know the author behind DEAR MR. CEO and now INFIDELITY. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed writing!

Without further ado,


Chapter 1:

"You're doing it again." I heard a voice slice through my mind, making me flinch out of my flashback, I wasn't aware that I was being watched like a bald eagle.

"Doing what?" I grumpily placed fruit on the side of my pancakes. "If it's eyeing the food like it has a disease then yes I am." Bringing my right hand up, I brushed over my eyelid in a ferocious movement trying to bring life back into them.

"You know what I mean." My brother rolled his eyes at me, it was only ten o'clock and he was done with my sulking for the entire day. The sun was shining bright into the foyer after all. "Tell me what happened." He ordered.

"Three weeks ago is what happened." I mumbled to myself, snatching my plate from the countertop to go sit down. Hopefully that was a sign to him to leave me alone. Not everyone can open up about their feelings like most can, it took some work- at least for me.

"I don't speak that language." He followed after me, that's one characteristic I didn't quite grow fond of with my brother... he always nagged and picked until he got his answer.

"Laisse-moi tranquille." I sat down. "Do you understand that?" Picking up my fork, I stabbed into one of my blueberry pancakes before plopping the stack into my mouth.

He sat down as well, but instead of eating his breakfast he sat back and eyed with me with the same colored eyes I have, and it caused me to grimace at his glare. "Can I eat in peace?" I asked, releasing my fork hearing it clink against the glass plate. "Or do you want to have a staring contest?"

"Sis." He sat up, and I watched his slender body move, placing both of his tatted arms on the table so they crossed.  "Qu'est-il arrivé" He was more stern this time.

Mimicking him, I folded my arms and placed them on the table. "A child is what happened."

The atmosphere in the room tightened drastically like a hot iron touching flesh . A few heads popped up at my words, some went straight into mumbling, and others got up to continue their meals elsewhere.

And I didn't blame them.

Children is a hard topic around here, that's why we barely utter the word. I wanted to take it back once seeing one of my fathers most trusted men, Kayden standing up.. I knew his reason for not wanting to hear about it. "Olivia." Ethan gave me a warning look, like I should have applied makeup over the problem to make it sound more fancy.

"You wanted to know right?" I felt my skin disconnect from the chair as I stood up. Curse only wearing shorts, but that didn't stop me from educating him on the issue. "Well now you know."

Snatching up my food, I added. "Her name was Bella." Pulling out the picture of her, I threw it on the table and I took my leave back upstairs.

My room was no better, it was almost empty. I barely even stay here mostly because I'm always busy with missions and more missions. Same ole, same ole.

Sitting down on the edge of my bed, I felt my shoulders slump with it's own exhaustion. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, nothing particularly coming to mind except searching for peace.

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