19. To Be Or Not to Be.

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Chapter 19:

"Well this is drastic." Lorenzo commented while stepping into the Corsetti's home. "Not how I imagined it."

"You're really just going to walk into a house that could be sitting on death row any minute without taking procautions?" Crixus made a point to his brother. "Chi ti ha cresciuto?"

"Oh hush up." Lorenzo rolled his eyes at his brother. "Speak English while you around women Crixus."

"I understand just fine." I walked into the house before I walked to the spot where my brother was last spotted. The one he had knocked out was nowhere in sight.

"Follow me." Sage directed us to where we needed to be. "Sergio, would you be a dear and find anything laying around would you?" He glanced back before shooting a dazzling smile to a very upset Sergio.

"Why can't I do the big boy stuff?" He whined. Crixus and Lorenzo tried to hide their laughter at the complaint.

"This is big boy stuff, if you find something we can all go on about our lives in a much faster pace, Deal?"

"Don't pretend you don't like having me around." Sergio went to the first decaying body he saw. "Wow he smells." The man probably urinated on himself. Poor thing.

"Just like the little brother I never had." Sage mumbled under his breath before we walked into the room. "Nicholai said he found some new information that can help find your brother, care to tell?"

"I don't know what he caught that I didn't." I sat in the chair before analyzing how to use their equipment, if was mostly the same just a few little tweaks needed to be done. "Everything on the inside we won't get any information from, we need the outside."

"Look here." Sage pointed to the up right camera. "Go back a little." He moved closer to the screen. "Back up." I tried to follow what he thought he saw. "Oh for heavens sake, get up." He scouted my chair over before he grabbed the remote before he adjusted to how he saw fit. "There." He paused it. "Write that down, we'll need to track it." We had a license plate number and guessing that this was Crixus speciality he got right on it.

"Nicholai should be here in twenty minutes tops, let's go see what Sergio found." I agreed with Sage. Making our way back out we found the little musketeer with three phones in his hand. "Huh, you would think they would be smarter than that."

"Let's just say we're lucky enough to have the Beneventi family on a wild goose hunt." Lorenzo laughed at his joke while we all sent him a dull look. "What? Too soon?"

With a roll of my eyes, I walked over to Sergio, that handed each of us a phone before we tried to unlock them. "Mine is locked." Lorenzo said while walking away. "I'll be right back."

"Here, take mine." He turned just in time as I threw mine towards him, he caught it nicely. "Sage any luck?"

"Yep." His one worded answer was enough for me. "What a bitch." He laughed seeing the background. "Who likes cats?" He shook his head, before going to the call log and messages.

"Do you have anything or not?" I was growing anxious the more he scrolled.

"If you could give me a second or two, not everyone has eyes like you." He rolled his eyes before turning his back to me.

"Hey!" I moved in front of him as he turned around again out of my reach. "Sage!" I huffed in annoyance.

Sage cursed as if it was placed on us all. "That son of a bitch."

"It's him isn't it?" I asked the well known question and answer.

"Gerardo Beneventi."


"Do you care to tell me your business with this family or not?" I bombarded Nicholai with the one question I've been seeking for an answer to once he entered one feet into his home- well what was left of it.

"Did you get the phone number?" He ignored me and held his hand out before I slapped it into his hand.

"Here." I folded my arms across my chest before we all waited for him to do the job. "Put it on speaker." I demanded once seeing him try to place it on his ear. We all needed to hear this.

The phone rung once, twice.

On the fourth ring, we all sucked in a deep breath before his voice came through the phone filled with authority while he spoke in Italian. "Vedo che hai ricevuto il mio messaggio." I could practically hear the satisfaction radiating off of him.

"Where's the boy." Nicholai didn't have to introduce himself, Gerardo knew who he was talking to.

"Who's asking?" He laughed into the phone wholeheartedly before he sighed. "See Nicholai we had a deal and unless-"

"Give him to me and I'll consider your offer." Nicholai turned his back to us and I took a step forward trying to hear the conversation- after all my brother was tied into this mess.

"I assume Olivia Ludavico is with you, si? It's a shame it had to end like this." He tsked.

"You listen here." I started to speak up but my mouth was covered, and turning to look up to see who it was, Sergio placed his pointed finger to his lips telling me to silence myself before he released me.

"Hello Ms Ludavico, I've heard so much about you." He halfway complimented me but I took it as an insult. "Nicholai don't make this harder than it needs to be." He taunted.

"Go to hell." I could practically see his hand turning red from him gripping the phone. "She has nothing to do with this."

"She most certainly does, see I have her chirpy brother." I could hear someone coughing in the background, was that him? "I've been watching you Nicholai, studying you. What I'm offering is simple but if not..." I heard the clicking of a gun and I held my breath.

Don't hurt him..

"Yes or no son?" His figurative of speech must have gotten to Nicholai as we all watched his body tense under the word. He turned slowly to look at me. I had my hands pressed to my stomach in hopes I didn't have to be broken once more. But the look in his eyes told me he would risk it. He would. I knew he saw me pleading with him, and I for one did not beg, but I was defenseless while he held my brothers life in his hands.

I watched his mouth open slowly to say the final answer that would seal his and my brothers fate.


Then the gun went off.

Straight to the Point I see.. oh wow.

Until next time :)

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