30. Turning Point.

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Chapter 30:

I knocked on my fathers door and after hearing his faint 'come in', I entered with my set of keys in hand- this shouldn't be long. "I just wanted to let you know that we were leaving." He would have to up on the security around here just until we arrived back.

"Olivia." He called out to me and I sighed before reopening the door, it smelled like old people and a mixture of spice from the soup he was eating. "We need to talk."

"If your foot is hurting I can call Dr Loughty." Assuming that's what he wanted to talk about. He lowered his reading glasses to the brim of his nose before he moved his papers to his desk next to him.

"It's your mothers birthday." He started the conversation off. "I thought we could go visit-"

"No thank you." Every year he asked me the same question and I gave him the same response. "Is that everything?"

"You don't have to be short with me, I'm still your father." He didn't like me dismissing him just like how I didn't like him treating me like I was a servant to do his every command. "You've been running around with the enemy for too long now-" He lectured me but I cut him off.

"It's business."

"Don't forget why you were assigned to them." He warned me and the hold my hand had on the doorknob tightened at his lecture, I knew my hand would have creases in it once I let go.

"You want to know what I found." I released the doorknob to step into his room to give him the information he wanted from me so desperately. "I found Matteo and my mother sharing a ring, this one here." I held my hand so he could see it, making sure he had a phenomenal look at it. "And if I didn't know any better I would say he was in love with my mother and your wife. Care to explain that?"

"Your mother had an affair." He said it like it was a statement not a question and my eyes blazed at him. "What did you say?" My ears were still tingling from earlier, so it was only fair to give me in the benefit of the doubt, but he took his reading glasses off to return the same cold glare.

So I didn't miss what he said.

"Your mother, my wife, cheated on me and her killer is still unknown. All of this madness pinpoints to him and his sadistic sons. If he couldn't have her, no one could and that included me."

"You're lying." My mother wouldn't have done that, she wouldn't have. "You're lying. She loved you! Don't spin this around on her when's she not here to defend herself, how dare you?!"

"You didn't know you're mother like you think you did Olivia." He continued to bash her in front of her only daughter. "She didn't want this life, that I provided for her. She threatened to leave me and take you three away from me because she lost sight of who I was and this business, so she stepped out on me into the arms of another man." He looked almost disgusted at the memories. "And for it be my friend." He added in.

"Sounds like you killed her." All of this unknown anger was coming out of nowhere for him to talk down on her.

He chuckled at my assumption. "I was with you when she died in my arms or do you even remember that?" He cut into me the best way he knew how. He knew my memory was still foggy and he threw that in my face.

"Say one more thing." I was starting to lose sight of my father talking to me in the manner he was. "Why pretend then huh? Why didn't you let her take Ethan and me? We wouldn't have to deal with this, you destroyed us."

"You did that all on your own."

I stopped.

"You're right." I let my tongue run across my bottom lip to get rid of the dryness before I clicked my teeth. "You and I are done." 

"And who will you have? Hmm?" I took a step back from him trying to get out of bed. "Nicholai is it? The precious son that you've always tried to save is that it? Run off into the sunset? You need to wake up." He snapped at me before he grabbed one of his crutches. "I'll be here when you're done fantasying." He waved me off before going to his bathroom.

My hands began to shake uncontrollably. He pressed all of the right buttons to get me to react in the way that wasn't deemed normal and I felt myself slipping into the deep end. Your mother cheated.. she wasn't happy.. affair. You don't know her like you think you did.. Kept running through my head.

I left without turning back.

"Hey we were looking for you! We're going to be late-" Riana looked me over. "Are you okay?" I didn't respond to her as I galloped down the steps. "Alice!" She called out to her and everyone watched me storm out of the house- I didn't pay attention to any of their faces.

"Hey wait!" I heard them behind me but it didn't stop me from throwing my Camaro door open. I slumped into the seat before starting the engine, my car purred to life before I set off into the daytime- my tires screeching at the sudden force. The gates were already opened by time I glanced into the rear view mirror to see them with all worried expressions. Kayden snapped in order to one of the guys and two cars were set out after me.

My foot pressed on the gas even more knowing I would lose them eventually.

My phone went off.

Looking at the caller ID, it was Alice but I didn't answer it. Then: Kayden, Sage, Lorenzo and Riana tried.

I cut my phone off.

I needed answers and there was only one person that had them. I accelerated forward watching my meter go up to 85, losing the two SUV's that were sent after me.


Authors Note:


See you in the next chapters !

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