41. Lost & Found.

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Chapter 41:

I followed my father into my parents room.. why was he going in there? What was in there?

Then I heard it.. My hand paused on the door.

A piercing cry shot through the air almost like a dagger soaring to a heart, his weep a bullet to my heart leaving a scar that wouldn't fade away. I felt hot tears spring to my eyes at the sound and I opened the door fully before seeing the one thing that had destroyed me.

A bullet was lodged into my mother's head with a pool a blood surrounding her body, the color of blood rose making a painting around her with a handkerchief laying under her with printed letters. Her lifeless eyes stared back into my fathers and his newly fresh tears draped onto her face as he held her- he didn't care about the blood.

There were at least six men in the room watching with facial expressions of agony and pain and I wanted to slap the look off their faces. My mother wasn't gone, she wasn't dead she was okay.. she promised.. She promised me.

I took one step forward before the voice that I didn't recognize anymore spoke. "Mom?"

And then my world went blank.

I opened my eyes.

Time seemed to stand still at that very moment.

I remembered Stefan briefly when he would appear with Matteo to train Nicholai and Sage. His beard was scruffy and his eyes were pitch black, like someone I've seen in my dreams before. I closed my eyes again for a brief moment again while another memory crept by me.

I was at the top of the stairs looking down at the two men, Matteo and him. Stefan pulled at Matteo's jacket and Matteo harshly brushed his hand off of him, "You're becoming weak Matteo, if I see it then I'm sure the rest can!"

"Stop being dramatic," Matteo rolled his eyes. "I have to go meet with-"

"If you say that bitch, I swear-" Stefan seethe at him.

"ABBASTANZA!" Matteo responded back with the right amount of ammunition. "Watch your mouth when you speak of her." He looked at Stefan like he no longer recognized him; Stefan felt the same.

Matteo walked out of our house to go somewhere I didn't know and I held my breath for as long as I could before I released a breath and Stefan's head snapped up and I froze right where I was. He shook his head at me, "Ease-dropping isn't right little girl, go back to where you came from."

I stuck my tongue out at him before I returned back to my room.

My eyes opened again.

This all made sense.

Matteo was becoming too weak. And Stefan mentioned a her. Matteo was becoming too weak for someone and that someone was my mother and Stefan didn't like it... so in order to play out the weakness..

"You killed my mother." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry?" Stefan couldn't hear me quite clear, and he said it as if it he was asking me to repeat myself.

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