2: Blood Rose.

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Chapter 2:

"Third floor, first door on the right that's where he is." Ethan's voice ran through my mind, and I blinked my eyes open to scan my surroundings. A traffic light was almost five feet away and red seemed to be a beautiful color to hit the side of the building.


"That's my name, but for tonight I'm Dean." Flying the door open to my car, I stepped out. "Or maybe Bethany?"

"Pick a name that sounds like it fits you, neither of those do." What a way to kill my mood out of the sky and watch it smack the concrete..

"And what does?" My eyes cut to my left after seeing a rapid movement, it turned out to just be a medium sized rat parched up on the bin to the trash can. "It's a rat." I rolled my eyes after seeing it perch itself up to view its surroundings-just like I was- before climbing down and darting away into the alley.

"Rosaline, Rosa for short." His voice rang in my ear and my face contorted in disgust. And he didn't like the name Bethany?

"Let's just get this over with." The more I moved towards the building, the more my cold knife that sat in my closed heel became more chilled. My gun was inside my coat tucked away from view.

Giving the door quick three knocks, it slide open and I was towered by a bald-at least 6 foot-man.  "How much?" I asked nicely and straight to the point, folding my arms across my chest, and I didn't miss his eyes flicker down to my chest before he looked back up with a smile.

"Boss would love you." I heard him mumble to himself before he directed his answer at me. "450."

"For little ole me?" Placing my hands down I did a little twist to the side twice, showing off my figure consciously, before batting my eyes at him. And if that wasn't enough to have him melt into the palm of my hand, I ran my hand up his side, he caught a chill but not from the incoming wind.

"I think I can make an arrangement for you.. if you do something for me." He hinted and I forged innocence in what he was asking. Men would be men.

"What would I do?" I played coy, slithering my body up next to him, and he hummed to himself before his hand slid over my silk dress and his hand nearly missed my gun. I grinned a toothy grin. On the sly, seeing the keys needed for my mission tonight, I quickly snatched them before tucking my hand.

"Meet me back here when you're done having fun with." He gestured towards inside the club and I peeked my head in to see, and he gave me a rough squeeze that instantly brought my attention back to him. "That, and I'll show you something worth your time."

Looking him over, I didn't have much too describe so I didn't, he wasn't my type. Not even for a night. "We'll see." I flirted back before walking around him into the club. This wasn't the typical club that anyone went to. The only way you knew about this place is if you were involved in any illegal activity and seeing the men swarming around, I grinned before my hands clasped around the keys.

Storing them away, I inhaled the smoke from the cigars and cigarettes that floated in the air, and my lips parted, feeling the heat from everyone's body mingling on my face and my breathing picked up a notch trying to find oxygen to inhale that was worthy of my lungs. This wasn't my scene, but I grew accustomed to it over the years.

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