16. Rendezvous.

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Chapter 16:

The sound of running water cleared my mind as I silently took off my 3 inch heel boots, my fuzzy socks came into display. I flexed my toes before looking out into the dark moonless horizon.

Sage was busy making unknown calls just outside of the room, while his brother was in the bathroom probably freshening up.

How did I get into this mess? Right, my revengeful father who's probably drinking himself to sleep with his friend Matteo and Ethan who hadn't texted me back to let me know he was alright.

"Shit." I heard a string of curse words slipping through Nicholai's lips and turning my head around to see the door just a tad bit open, I see him trying to pry the bullet out of his arm unsuccessfully and not in a sanitary way.

Reluctantly, I stood and walked to the door. "Need help?" I questioned before pushing the door open. "You know when you said hotel? I thought you meant a 5 star rating.. not 3." The little holes and cracks and smudges of disorientated colors around the walls was enough for me to know it was time for an upgrade on this place, I could tell though that it had once been nice; just not for tonight. "Maybe 2 and a half."

"That's funny," His expression told me he didn't find it hilarious, he was more concerned on prying the bullet out of his arm. "and no." He hissed before swearing to himself, "I'm fine." He roughly answered my first question before he placed his bloody hand on the countertop.

"With your record, I would assume you knew how to take out a bullet." I dropped to my knees, opening the lower cabinets fishing around for what I needed. "There should be-" I stood back up to open the top cabinet, seeing a came up empty handed. "There." I plucked the first aid kit down from its hiding spot.

"You've done your research." His eyes captured mine through the mirror and I lazily brushed my hair out of my face.

"Have you never been shot before?" I moved around him to clean my hands before putting on the gloves, changing the subject.

"Have you?" He threw the question back at me but I stopped midway, shooting him a look, before pointing to the toilet seat.

"Sit." I ordered him and either he was too tired to argue or he just wanted the bullet out because he complied; I'll stick to the second option.

Moving around to his right arm, I looked to see the damage. "Well first." I went back to the sink, rinsing off a rag. "You can't see shit that's why you're having a hard time."

He didn't speak.

I watched him for a second, seeing he had spaced himself out on the seat before leaning his head back with his eyes closed away from the world. "You didn't die on me just now right?" He hummed only in response.

Okay... focus.

I placed the first aid kit not to far away from me so I could reach without having to stretch. "This might hurt." I used the rubbing alcohol wipes to clean it. There was only a slight movement letting me know he was indeed a human being before he stilled again.

Rummaging through the kit, we had to settle for a bulge syringe to get the bullet out his arm. "I'll count to the three okay?"

I pried into his already open wound before I used my thumb and pointed finger of my left hand to get a least a grip on the bullet. "One.. Two-" I didn't get to to three before I yanked it out. It was better that way to not let them have the anticipation.

He groaned, but I wasn't worried about his feelings as his blood began to flow in a straight line down his arm. "Someone's a bleeder." I joked, before using the wipes to clean him up.

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