Like To Be You // Shawn Mendes feat. Julia Michaels

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The next morning Mackenzie woke up wrapped in a mess of blankets, in a bed she quickly recognized as Caitlin's. She frowned as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She glanced around at Caitlin's familiar room, one she didn't remember falling asleep in.

She got up and looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing an oversized gray tshirt and black sleeping shorts that obviously belonged to Caitlin. Her hair was a mess and her skin was tinted a slight shade of pinkish-gray, her eyes glassy.

"Christ I look like shit" She muttered, rolling her eyes before making her way out into Caitlin's living room, her feet padding softly on the cool hardwood floors before reaching the plush carpet.

"Hey... How you doing?" Caitlin asked softly, concern etched on her face. She was sitting on her couch in her pajamas, legs crossed with a cup of coffee in her hands. She turned her body to face Mack.

"What happened?" Mack asked, ignoring Caitlin's question.

"Answer me first. How are you?" Caitlin refused to budge.

"I feel like shit" Mack replied, rubbing her face restlessly. Caitlin set down her cup on the coffee table.

"Sit" Caitlin instructed, pointing to the couch as she stood and disappeared into the kitchen. Mack dropped down onto the sofa, leaning back and closing her eyes. Caitlin returned a moment later with aspirin, a glass of water, and a cup of coffee. Mack threw the aspirin in her mouth and downed the water.

"Thanks" She mumbled, "So what happened? Where did Barry go?" Mack questioned hesitantly.

"Well after you left Barry's, you when home god-knows-how, trashed some stuff, and then passed out on the floor. Barry called me to check in on you. When I showed up and saw you, I brought you here. You're welcome" She replied, the hint of annoyance quite apparent in her voice.

"I'm sorry Caitlin" Mack sighed half-assed, her mind was still clouded with something, something her mind wouldn't let her access, something missing. But something that had happened. Something that was important. If she could just think...

"Then why do you keep doing this Mackenzie?! Seriously?! You could have solved all of this yourself months ago by just doing the right thing! But you never do! And you hurt everyone else! And now you have everything again and here you are, ruining it! When are you going to learn??" Caitlin yelled at her friend, startling Mackenzie back to the living room she sat in.

"Yeah, I know Cait, and like I said, I'm sorry. I'm just..." She sighed, "Something happened to me, when I died, and I'm not the same. Don't know if I ever will be" Mack admitted aloud to her friend.

"So you keep saying " Caitlin sighed.

"Come on Cait, I'm doing what I can" Mack defended.

"Yeah yeah, you changed..." She said softly, "Really changed" She added in a mumble.

"What?... Cait?" Mack frowned. Caitlin avoided her gaze. "Caitlin what do you mean by that?" She asked. 

Caitlin refused to answer. 

"SNOW!" She yelled. Caitlin startled, then, with a sigh of resignment, caved. 

"Cisco and I... we ran tests on you... when you came back. And they were... well, weird. All kinds of mixed and distorted DNA sequences. We didn't know what to make of them but you seemed normal so we let alone. And then there was Wells. He told me some messed up stuff about your procedures before you got back" Caitlin admitted.

"Snow... You got to let me see those tests. Please. It's important" Mack stood up quickly.

"You have to go see Barry first Mack. Fix this. For the both of you" Caitlin stood in front of her friend, unwavering.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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