Blame Game

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The Next Day (Noon) -

"We listen to the radio!" Chance and I screamed at the top of our lungs, following along to Rob Zombie's voice.

Chance was again at the wheel with our GPS directing him to Georgia, but he still wouldn't and won't know where we are even when we're there.

We had both taken turns changing our clothes in the back seats and I was left with simple black shorts and a tie-dyed shirt. Chance was in athletic pants and a tank top.

I fell back against the seat and couldn't help but grin and giggle. He was the only person that could make me this ridiculously stupid happy.

"I missed that sound!" Chance shouted over the radio.

"What?" I yelled back.

"Your laugh." He said back to me.

"I miss having something to laugh about." I admitted, putting my hand on the Center Console, palm up.

Chance ever so carefully put his hand on top of mine and I squeezed hard.

"It's really going to be ok princess." Chance whispered, tightening his own grip.

"Chance I know we can both think that, and everything can be a nice fairy tale in our minds but to be honest in reality I haven't gotten away from them." I said, my words coming out harsher than I'd originally intended.

"What are you talking about Bella?" Chance asked, with a somewhat confused look on his face.

"They're still everywhere Chance. In my thoughts, my dreams, hell every damn move we're making right now all revolves around them." I said my voice getting louder with each word.

"Bells, calm down. And please for the love of God don't scream at me." Chance said calm as ever, putting his hand now on my thigh, pressing down a bit, but in a calming way.

I took a deep breath and leaned back against the seat.

"I didn't mean to yell at you Chance." I said through tight teeth.

Before I knew it we were pulled over onto the shoulder of a random highway.

"Bella baby, what's wrong? I can tell you're really pissed off right now, and I kind of thought you'd be happy. I don't want you to suffer quietly." Chance said softly, looking over at me with soft eyes.

"I hate them Chance, I fucking hate them!" I screamed, my fist going straight into dashboard.

I pulled my arm back to my chest and tears started to roll down my face.

That had brought on a lot more pain than I had expected.

"Holy shit are you okay?" Chance exclaimed, his eyes widening.

"I'll be fine." I grumbled, holding my fist tighter to my chest.

"Fuck that looked painful." Chance said, restarting the car back up and getting us onto the road again.

"All of this is that asshole's fault." I hissed.

Chris Motionless' POV -

"Michael, his band, and all of The Relapse Symphony are all on the road already. We're packed up and ready to go whenever you want us to go." Zack Merrick told me.

"You guys can go whenever you're ready." I said, pulling my fist to my chest.

It still stung like a motherfucker.

"How's that holding up?" Zack asked.

I threw my head back and let out a small chuckle.

"Well the glass is all out, bleeding just stopped, but there's a fucking unimaginable pain rushing through it." I admitted.

"Yeah, mirrors don't shatter like that without giving it a hell of a lot of force." Zack said, giving me a sincere smile.

"If you think that the mirror got it tough, you should see what I'll do to Bella when I get her back. To be honest, someone might have to pull me off her." I admitted.

"Don't ask Danny." Zack laughed.

"Oh, I'm sure he'll be giving her hell as well." I chuckled with him.

"Ready?" Alex screamed, pulling the third and final tour van up in front of us. Rian next to him, and Jack behind him.

"You should get going, you've got a tough few weeks ahead of you." I told Zack.

"You're right. Well let me know as soon as possible if you get any news about her, or any of her or Chance's whereabouts." He told me.

"I will." I promised.

"We'll do the same." Zack told me, getting into the car.

With one last final wave to them, they were off and the hunt for Bella was officially on. It was only a matter of time now until I had her back....and Chance. Well we'll have to deal with his fate when the time comes.

"Chris get over here, 20 minutes and we're on." Ricky yelled to me.

I snapped back to reality, and looked down at my hand once again and saw the empty handcuffs sitting on the ground next to Asking's bus.

"All of this is that bitch's fault." I growled.

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