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Chapter 15 ~
1 week later
A week had passed since I had called Bella, I got no further messages from her.
In a certain way that didn't surprise me at all, however I still had a feeling she would come. I know her very well, she's both let me into her mind and I've also forced myself into her mind as well.
Truly, besides from Chris no one knew her better than me, even Tyler. Chris and I dealt with her the most by far so we were exposed to her true self, and every little aspect of what makes her tick.
That is exactly why I knew Bella would come eventually.
The intrigue and excitement would draw her back to us, to just see for herself what the truth was.
What was the truth?
What I told her over the phone was the truth, she would be free to leave as she wished after her visit to the tour grounds and hopefully a visit with one of us.
She'd leave thinking she was finally happy and free, while we would be more assured that we would be able to get her back within a shorter time, especially because she would then have the false idea in her head that she was the one who was in charge and had the power.
I chuckled.
"Silly little slave." I mused.
Everything on our side had been going absolutely perfect. Warped tour for all of us was continuing without a hitch, the news stories about Bella died more and more each day, and all of us were more united now than we ever were.
That fact right there is extremely good for us and extremely bad for our little pet.
I had to wonder though how Chance would play into this entire ordeal.
Is it possible that Bella would start to distance herself from him if he becomes aggresive about her coming to a show?
Would she think that he too was trying to control her?
Could Chance possibly be the thing that throws Bella back into our arms?
To be honest, that was a long shot, but it was still a very viable situation.
I would give anything to be a fly on the wall during that conversation.
As fun as this was to think of all the possibilities, I had to go and get ready for a photoshoot on site with Ronnie, Kellin, and Cody Carson.
I took one quick shot for luck with Bella and made my way out the door.
Bella's POV
"No fucking way! I will not allow you to do that Bella!" He screamed at me.
"You're not in charge of me Chance, you don't get to tell me what to do." I hissed at him.
"I'm not trying to control you, I'm trying to save you. That's all I've tried to do since day one Bella. You're walking into a cage, a cage where they have a key and they have all control. Just because that piece of shit said you were safe, doesn't mean anything." Chance tried to reason with me.
"Chance, he was telling the truth, ok? Yes they're absolutely horrible people, but they're people nonetheless. They are very capable of telling the truth, they've done it plenty of times." I told him.
He just sighed and sat down on the bed.
"I've screamed, yelled, and gone blue in the face trying to convince you of how horrible and idiotic this truly is. You're not changing your mind. I'm just freaking the fuck out because I'm not sure if I can save you again. If you go.....that could be the last time we see each other." Chance sadly said.
"Chance, you don't understand. Danny told me the truth, I just know it. You need to trust me" I pleaded with him.
"I'm sorry Bells, I just won't believe it until I see it." He replied.
"Chance you need to trust me......I know what I'm doing." I urged him.
As a couple tears rolled down his cheek I came over to him, kneeled down and wrapped him in my arms as a gentle embrace.
"How fast do you think you'll be able to go and be back?" He choked out.
"It'll take 1.5 days to get to the venue, I'll stay a full day there and then drive the 1.5 days back. So just 4 days, I'll make it real fast. When...not if, but when I get back after that we can once again run away into the sunset and put this all behind us, this time permanently." I promised.
He took me into his arms this time and squeezed extra tight.
"I love you." He whispered ever so softly.
"I love you too Chance, forever and ever and always." I whispered back.
"Be safe my love." He whispered, handing me the keys.
"I will. I'll be back in your arms giving you the biggest hug and kiss of my life." I promised him.
"Good, I'll be waiting." He smiled at me.
"Close your eyes." I softly instructed.
"Why?" He asked with intrigue.
"It'll make it hurt less for both of us." I whispered.
His eyes shut tight and his grip slowly slipped from around my waist. With one last kiss I quickly grabbed the keys, and made my way out of the room.
I just had to keep going forward, despite how absolutely horrified I was. I honestly didn't know what the outcome of this was going to be. I really had gotten myself into a rough spot, I thought to myself as I got into the car.
I needed this though, I needed to prove to myself that I finally was the one who had control in this situation. I know this sucked, and I hate how it's making Chance feel, but I'm hoping he will understand.
As I got into the car, I started it up, got buckled and said a quick prayer.
Here goes nothing.
1.5 Days Later (Around 10 am)
Vinny Mauro's POV
Being the last one out of the bus I quickly got outside and met up with the rest of our band.
"What's up?" I asked them.
"The forecast looks pretty rough, however they want us to play as long as all of us bands can. If it starts to storm later on in the day though, they'll have us figure it out as the time comes." Chris said.
"I think it will be fine, especially since we're playing so early." Ricky replied.
"Hey, we just got told the doors are opening up right now, so everyone is playing an hour earlier than originally planned." Jaime told us, quickly coming over to us.
"Shit we've got to go then." Ryan said, quickly running into the bus to grab his guitar.
"Have a good show." Jaime called to us as we left.
"Thanks." I quickly said as we all got our asses moving to the stage.
We finally got to the stage and we went up as fast as we could.
"Warped Tour, are you ready?" Chris roared to the insane crowd.
They boomed back at us, and gave us that extreme energy boost we all thrived off of.
Who knew that Chris' question would affect us more.
Turns out we were the ones who weren't fully ready.
Gabe Barham's POV
"Just leave everything where it is." Our stage manager yelled at Jack F. and I as the rain just pounded the ground, lightning lit up the sky, and the thunder shook the ground.
"Ready?" Jack yelled to me over the thunderous storm.
With a quick nod back to him, we both quickly took a breath and then broke into a dead sprint to one of the merch tents that were being extremely packed with both fans and artists alike.
"Holy shit." I yelled out, completely and fully soaking wet from head to toe, just trying to catch my breath, almost mirroring Jack exactly.
"Gabe!" Someone yelled from the back of the tent.
Quickly standing on a chair to see who it was, I instantly spotted Cameron Liddell in the back of the tent.
Jack and I practically had to make mountains move to get the fans to let us get all the way to the back.
Finally we made it, and were met with a drenched Cameron Liddell.
"What's up?" Jack asked.
"Guess who Thrasher and Derek just ran into in their tent?" Cameron asked me.
"Who?" I asked, a bit confused.
"Let me give you a couple hints....." Cameron smirked.
"Shoot." I challenged him.
"Blue eyes, shoulder length hair....oh and she responds to the name 'pet'" He hinted to me.
"No." I gasped, in both surprise, excitement, and shock.
"Oh yeah. Our lost little pet found her way home." He whispered.

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