Home Sweet Home

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"So where are you taking me, if I may ask?" I pondered, turning off the music and turning to Chance for an answer.

"Chicago. I found someone who was more than willing to let us share their house with us. No need to worry though, I promise you it's fully safe." Chance assured me.

There was no way to contain the huge grin on my face, I was absolutely off the walls excited for this.

Actually living in a house like a normal person, (as normal as my situation allowed), finally being allowed to be with the one I love, and not having to constantly have fear run through my mind and body.

I mean I would be stupid to say that I would never feel fear again, I am only human of course. I'm sure as the honeymoon phase of my freedom was over I would go back to worrying that I would be found, and taken back to that hell with the bands. That wasn't now though, and I was safe...and happy.

"Thank you. Thanks for going through all this trouble just to keep me safe." I whispered.

"You say it like I had a different option, Bella. There was only one, and that was to keep you safe." He replied.

"That's wrong. You could have left me just as easily as Taylor and Cassie did, left and not had to go through all his hell. You would have been spared mental and physical pain, and I would have done the same. You were the only one to fight for me when no one else could or even would, myself included." I explained, tears forming in my eyes and cascading silently down my cheeks.

"Oh Bella, don't cry. I know this whole ordeal has taken a drastic toll on you, and me even saying it's hurt me feels like I'm insulting you. Yes, others left, and I'd be lying if I said it wouldn't have been easier to up and leave. I was the most selfish one though, I stayed to be yours, and to be able to be the one you loved." Chance whispered.

"You can never convince me that I'm worth anything......especially somebody who has put themselves in danger for me." I responded.

"Bella! Don't you ever say that you're not worth anything." He growled.

"It's not my fault." I grumbled.

"I know, I'm sorry baby. It's just extremely hard to hear you say something like that. I hate knowing that that's what you truly think of yourself when it's honestly so far from the truth." Chance replied.

"What city are we in now?" I asked, fully changing the subject.

I was able to witness Chance's confusion on his face at first, but thankfully he let it go and allowed the subject to thankfully be changed.

"Right now we are in Lexington, Kentucky. We've got about 6 more hours from here." He said.

"6 more hours! You've got to let me drive, that's way too much for you!" I exclaimed.

"It'll be fine Bella, I promise. You know I don't mind driving super long distances, anyways....if you let me keep driving, I'll go and get us some coffee as soon as we see someplace good." Chance taunted me.

"Damn you, Hayes! You know my weakness far too well." I chuckled.

"My little coffee addict." He said, a smile in his voice.

"Hey, it's better than being addicted to something else." I giggled.

"I mean I can't really argue with that." Chance told me.

Resting the seat back, I laid my head back and rested my feet on the dash.

"Please let me drive it'll help me stay awake." I whispered.

"Love, you are practically asleep right now. There is no way you can drive and not kill the both of us." Chance said, raising his eyebrow at me.

"Hey, don't raise your eyebrows at me. I'm not a child who needs scolding." I stated boldly.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

"You're forgiven as long as I can cuddle with you when I nap." I said.

"You've got yourself a deal." Chance chuckled, patting his lap.

With a simple little click I took my seatbelt off, and arranged my body so that my torso resting on a pillow on top of the center console, my head was softly resting on his lap, and my legs were tucked up on the seat.

I gave up fighting my pure exhaustion, closed my eyes and let the soft hum of the motor soothe me to sleep.

"When you wake up we'll be home." Chance whispered gently.

That was more than enough to help me gently fall asleep.


Chance's POV -

Pulling up to the house, I finally was able to cut the engine and take my hands off the wheel and my feet of the gas.

Taking a quick peek down at Bella, I thankfully was able to confirm that she was still heavily passed out.


Hopping out of the car I snuck to Bella's side of the car, wrapped my arms around her back and under her legs.

"Ready to finally be home?" I whispered to her.

The only light anywhere near us besides from the car's were the 2 garage lights that were on. Darkness encompassed the house, but I knew that in the morning it would be the brightest place in the world.

Once Bella and I had crossed the threshold I quickly locked our car, shut the door behind us and brought Bella further into her house.

In the middle of the living room there was a large couch, carrying Bella increased the risk of waking her up and I didn't want that at all. I've never seen the poor thing this tired, and goodness knows she was probably in the deepest sleep of her life, as she hasn't had the chance for almost a year to get true rest.

As soon as I was assured that she was comfortable and alright, I found my way to the kitchen to grab a lite snack. However, a set of footsteps coming down the stairs stopped me.

"Bella!" A voice screamed.

"Shhhhh, she's sleeping." I whispered quick yet harshly.

Abby then walked into sight and I saw her, gosh she truly did just look like an older Bella. She was one of the most, if not THE most kindest soul in the world, second to Bella.

There's no question as to how Bella turned out to be the strong, caring, and amazing woman she was.

"She's here?" Abby asked, a sudden crack in her voice and I saw tears ever so slightly fall from the corner of her eyes.

"She is. She's passed out cold though, but she's where she belongs." I softly told her.

I watched as she fell completely silent, and slowly inched towards the front living room where her daughter was.

A year.

That's at least how long it had been since Abby had seen her daughter.

She had heard her daughter's voice only once in that time, screaming for help in some hotel room trying to run away from the hell she had been captured in.

She'd been told only a few of the stories of what her daughter had been going through. I'll be honest, I kept out just about all of the details, that was only a place for Bella to share with her mom.

I couldn't even imagine all of the emotions and thoughts racing through her head at this very moment.

"Chance?" Abby choked out, from the other room.


"Help." She said, her voice impossibly quiet, but laced in pain.

Running to the front room I found Bella as she had just been. My eyes then followed the soft sound of sobbing as I found Abby on her knees in front of her daughter shaking and drowning in a sea of tears.

"It's ok, Abby. Shhh, it's ok." I attempted to comfort her, coming from behind and wrapping one arm around her.

Her body just was wracked with her sobbing, and as much as I tried to comfort her the sobbing was so intense my body couldn't help but shake as well.

"My poor baby, I wasn't careful enough, this is all my fault." She cried, suddenly pushing back and walking away from the room and her daughter's sleeping body.

"No, it's not at all. Don't say that or even think that." I snapped back.

That sudden anger coming from my own feelings of that. I felt it was my fault, there was so many times I could have at least attempted to get her out, more than I had.

I should have been braver and stronger when they first came to our school.

I should have saved her from all of the hell I know she went through.

"She looks so scared......she doesn't look like my sweet little happy Bella. She looks...broken." Abby wailed.

Fuck...now that was something I couldn't argue against.

"I know she doesn't obviously look like her old self.....but I promise tomorrow morning when she's up and about....you'll still be able to see that she's still your loving daughter. That I can promise to you." I stated, once more slipping my arm under hers to help support her and get her back to her room.

Once in her room, she pulled away from my grip and sauntered slowly to her bed.

"Thank you." Abby whispered, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Of course, anything to help you and Bella....I'd do it in the blink of an eye." I told her.

"Have a good night." She softly spoke, right as her eyes closed and her head hit the pillow.

I took that as my queue to shut her door and leave her to sleep.

Thankfully we would all be getting a good and peaceful night of sleep. That would rest us all up and leave us with a pretty clean and stable slate for all our emotions.

With one last peek in at Bella, I was happy enough that she truly was sleeping soundly and found my way back to an empty room.

On the nightstand was a framed picture of Bella....it couldn't have been a month before this whole thing started. As always she was stunning, and smiling....she looked like she could take on the world.

"Goodnight my love" I cooed, closing my eyes and watching the world around me disappear.

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