Just A Night Out With Friends , Sort Of

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"Bells. Bells. Bella, wake up!" I yelled worriedly, shaking her awake.

"What's going on?" She mumbled groggily.

"You were screaming in your sleep and doing this to your arms." I answered her, extending her arms out so she could take a look at the now angry red lines caused by her nails that traced up and down her pale skin.

She let out a gasp as she saw the damage to her skin.

"It's fine, I guess it was just a bad dream. " Bella whispered, quickly pulling back her arm and holding it very close to her chest.

She instantly jumped up from the seat, rushed past me and shut herself into the room where all of the bunks were located.

"Oh Bella," I softly sighed, shaking my head.

All I could do was hope and pray that they could get through to her at dinner tonight, or else I feared those marks would become far more permanent, both in looks and damage.

Even though Chance believed Bella was safer and happier with him, I knew like the rest of the band members that Bella has her own conscious and can take a step back and see some danger in taking that path.

I could just about compare this to Bella being on a ledge and ready to dive off. Chance is at the bottom, shouting for her to jump telling her everything will be fine, even though it really won't be. Then there's the band members, which are behind her, obviously being the safest choice to go back to. The last little piece of the puzzle though lies within Bella.

Will she fall and shatter herself?

Or will she take a step back, stumble and get a few scrapes and bruises that'll heal with only a bit of time and encouragement?

The choice of what option we wanted her to choose was way beyond obvious.

A sudden knock on my door diverted my attention for a quick second.

"Hey." I greeted Josh Korel as he walked onto the bus.

Seeing him was normal, seeing him while holding a large dress bag was not.

"Where's Bella." He asked.

"In there." I replied, motioning to behind the doors with my head.

A small child like smile appeared on his face, and he quickly shook his head back in forth with a little chuckle.

"If she starts throwing fists or starts using objects as weapons against me...you're getting your ass in there." Josh K. chuckled.

"Deal." I agreed.

30 Minutes and many curse words muttered and screamed later, Josh Korel finally emerged and shut the door behind him.

"She's a feisty fucker." He said, amusement but a tiny bit of annoyance as well.

"Want to let me in on what's going on?" I questioned him.

"Craig wanted her to dress up for tonight, I guess they're t." Josh started to say.

"Woah." I gasped, after he had cut himself off.

Out came Bella, behind the the door to the bunks in this beautifully stunning dress.

It was a gorgeous, long, black dress with a slit that started midway up her left thigh, as well as gorgeous cut out lace that flowed on both sides of her beautiful, delicate, and feminine figure.

Even though Craig had requested it I knew Chris and Danny would be equally pleased with it.

"What's wrong?" She asked, worry in her voice.

"Nothing, nothing's wrong." I Josh quickly assured her.

"Oh...ok. It's just that Vinny looks a little dazed." She stated.

"It's just been a long time since we were able to see your beauty." I admitted.

"Ok, nope. We're not doing that, but great try." She said quickly, obviously not taking that compliment at all.

Was I offended, or even hurt that she responded like that?

Hell no.

Rejection from Bella wasn't exactly a new thing for us.

My phone quickly buzzed, alerting me that they were ready for her.

I quickly informed her that they were waiting and with hesitation in her eyes but bravery in her actions she walked out to meet with them in their car.

The last thing I saw was her slip into the passenger's seat next to Danny and then the car zoomed away.


Danny's POV -

"Well hello there." I cooed, opening up the passenger door for her.

I was met with her usual cold stare with some serious sass behind it and she muttered out a very quiet


Shutting the door tight I made way way back around the car and slipped into the driver's seat.

"See, you weren't the only one that had to clean up a bit." Chris told her, referring to the fact that we were all dressed to the 9's.

While Bella was in her beautiful gown, Craig, Chris and I were in our best suits, looking even better than usual, and of course the intimidation was another reason for it.

"So I noticed." She said softly.

"Bella," Craig said concerned.


"Breathe, you're going to pass out if you keep holding your breath." He cautioned her.

"I'm fine." Bella quickly snapped.

Wow, not even 2 minutes in and I already wanted to shake her and scream some common sense into her.

What a start to our night.

"Can we not just have one nice little night out? No attitude, no anger, none of that shit." I growled.

"There was a purpose behind this dinner though, I know you didn't just want to be buddies and enjoy good food. You wanted me to come with to convince me to stay and not go back to Chance." She told me.

"Let's save that chat for dessert than, until then though......let's just be decent to each other, ok?" I said.

"Before that let me say this though," She started.

I waved for her to continue.

"I fucking hate all of you to your very core, and I know you'll all burn in hell. Maybe then you'll feel half of the pain you've caused me." She practically snarled at me.

Chris and Craig let out a chuckle from the back seats.

"Is that all, love?" Chris asked.

"We can save that for dessert as well." She smiled devilishly.

I reached over and gently set my hand on her upper thigh after a few minutes of silence had continued.

Her head quickly turned in my direction and her eyes gave me a look that told me I could keep my hand there or die.

Not truly wanting that to cause a big argument, I conceded and slipped my hand back to the wheel.

At least Bella was still Bella, she hadn't changed one bit.

Even if she tried to convince herself of that.

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