I Need A Night Where Someone, Anyone Appreciates Me

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Bella's POV
"Fuck." I gasped, falling onto my back as Chance finished climaxing.
"That was amazing Bells." Chance grinned, a smile reaching both ears upon his face.
"So I guess that's what makes it official." I giggled, holding up my left hand, showing him my ring.
He was interrupted with the annoying beep coming from his phone.
"Oh shit." He groaned.
"What?" I asked.
"That car mechanic I was telling you about, told me I have to get there within the next hour to get the best deal I can on the new engine." Chance said, jumping out of bed and slipping on his pants.
"Chance....I'll pay for the damn engine myself, please don't just leave me here." I whined.
"Love, you don't need to do that, but thank you." He stated, now throwing his shirt over his head.
He gave me a tiny peck on the cheek and was suddenly out of the room.
"I wanted you to stay for me, not you." I whispered, hating the now painful empty space next to me.
I gently wiped the few tears from face, put my clothes back on and made my way down to the kitchen where my mom was brewing some tea.
"Good Morning." She cheered, smiling as I walked into the room.
"Morning." I forced out, giving her a half assed smile.
"What's got Chance in such a hurry?" She asked, turning her full attention to me.
"You tell me." I replied, slightly rolling my eyes.
"Boys will be boys." She said, giving my shoulders a slight squeeze.
"That's why I fell in love with Chance though, he wasn't just one of the boys." I told her.
"Bella, he's dealing with a lot right now." My mom said, a frustrated tone to her voice.
"We all are, that doesn't give me the excuse to just brush the one I claim to love off." I yelled.
"He has a different list of things to deal with than you." She snapped.
I stepped back.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"Nothing, I'm sorry. It's just........it's hard." She said.
"What's hard. Please don't lie to me, just tell me the truth, I can take it." I told her, practically begging.
"Bella you've been through a lot....it's so obviously changed you....Chance still loves you, it's just that he needs his own support now." She admitted.
"I'm sorry. I suppose I am too fucked up to not bring others down around me." I whispered, the realization hitting me hard.
"No, Bella......" She called to me.
It was too late though, I had already made my way out to the garage.
I hadn't realized I was such a big hassle to deal with.
3 Weeks Later- Night of the Concert
"Good work, Bella." I whispered to myself, sipping on a glass of wine as I stepped back and admired the elegant 5 course meal I'd worked so hard to complete.
First of all it was fancy as fuck, secondly it was delicious smelling.
These past 3 weeks had continued to be very distant between Chance and I. I refused to bring it up though, if he had an issue then he needed to bring it up to me, and not just make me wonder.
Last night I came to realization that I was beyond tired of Chance constantly left me during the days and nights, so I figured by making a fancy meal it would bring us together once more.
"Chance!" I exclaimed happily, as he made his way down the stairs.
"What's up?" He asked, nonchalantly.
"I made us dinner....we haven't had us time in almost a month, You leave so much it's like we're not even living together, I worked all day long though on this and thought it would be a lovely special us time." I explained.
"Shit...I'd already made plans to go work out tonight, I'm supposed to meet my trainer in 30 minutes." He groaned.
No....there was no fucking way he just said that.
My blood started boiling.
"I slaved all fucking day to make a nice dinner for us, and you're going to go and work out instead?" I screamed.
"Baby, I'll be back in a few hours, just go ahead and eat and I'll have some when I get back." He said.
"You know what, no. Just go, you've made your point way beyond clear." I hissed, slamming the oven door as loud as possible.
"Don't stay up." He cooed, shutting the front door behind him.
"You fuck!" I yelled at the top of my lungs when he was out of earshot.
What in the hell had happened in this last month that made him just about fully discount me? We had been madly in love with each other, and I still loved him but lately it seemed like he didn't give a shit about me.
I needed a night away from that, a night where I wasn't tossed aside.
Holy shit!
I ran like lightning to my cellphone laying on my couch and quickly dialed the cafe's phone number.
"Hello, this is Aiden how may I help you?" An employee answered the phone.
"Hi Aide, about a month ago I was in your shop and I was informed of a complementary concert that was going to be playing soon, with American Monster headlining. Could you please tell me what day that is again?" I asked.
"Well, you've got good timing! IT's actually today, in 2 hours." He replied.
"Oh my god, that's awesome! Thank you so much!" I cheered.
I hung that call-up, but there was one more person I had to quickly call.
"Come on, come on, answer your phone." I groaned, tapping my right leg up and down on the tile.
Tyler's POV -

"Yeah, just don't fuck up our set." I chuckled, giving Logan our guitar player a hard time.


My phone started ringing out of nowhere, and as soon as I grabbed it from on top of the amps, I answered it.

"Hello?" I said.


Wait a second.....I think I vaguely remembered that number.

"Well, well, well, is this little Miss Belle?" I smirked into the phone call.

"It very well could be." She stated, a tiny bit of hesitation in her voice.

"What can I help you with sweetheart?" I wondered, hoping everything was ok.

"What's the chance you have one more backstage pass for a groupie tonight?" She chuckled.

"Oh my god, you're coming?!?!" I exclaimed in joy.

"Only if you want me there." She said, a tint of sadness to her words.

"Of course! If you show up before we're on just meet me by or in our bus, but if you get there late, just stay in the crowd if you don't mind and then find me afterwards towards the entrance." I explained to her, almost jumping with joy.

"Thank you, Tyler. Thank you, thank you, thank you." She cooed.

"Anytime dear." I whispered, beyond ecstatic.

"What the fuck was that?" Brody (DeRozie) our bass player asked me.

"You guys got your wish, you'll finally get to meet Bella tonight." I explained.

"Fuck, yes!!!" Logan and Brody screamed, sinister smiles on their faces.

"Watch yourselves, you know what Chris said, until we decide to move on, Bella stays as is." I warned them.

"Yeah, yeah." Brody groaned.

"That's you." Logan chuckled, as my phone quickly buzzed once more.

Brody grabbed it from my hands before I had a chance to look at it.

"Awwww, she does love you." He taunted me, in a sickly sweet high pitched voice.

I ripped the phone back into my own hands and couldn't help but grin and laugh as I saw Bella's text.

~ I'll Be The One In Black ;)

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