Chance's Last But Most Important Promise

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Bella's POV -

A full day had passed and all that had been accomplished was me binge watching seasons of Ink Master.

I chuckled to myself.

"Mr. Dave Navaro you are the only idol of mine who hasn't ruined my life and totally fucked me over." I muttered.

A simple, single, hard knock on the door tore my attention from my thoughts and the screen.

"Oh, fuck me." I groaned, figuring with my luck it probably was him to take me back to Chris.

Slowly creeping up to the door, I snuck a peek through the see hole thing.

"Honey, I'm home." He chuckled through the door.

"Chance!!!!" I screamed, opening the door up and running into his arms.

He caught me, allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist and he walked us back into the room.

"Oh god I missed you, I was so scared for you." I cried, tears falling down my face.

Chance laughed and held me closer "Hey, does that mean you don't think I couldn't take them?"

I gently glance up at him, looked him in the eyes and let out a small tiny giggle.

"I know you'd kick their asses." I smiled.

"Damn right Bells, damn right." Chance whispered, bringing us over to the bed so that I was on his lap as we leaned up against the headboard of the bed.

I slowly turned around, wrapped my legs around his waist again, and gently placed my arms around his neck.

I pulled myself so close and tight to him as I hugged him to me.

"I love you, Chance." I whispered.

Silence hushed the room for a couple minutes, and then I was ever so carefully pushed back a few inches by Chance.

"I love you too my little warrior." He whispered back.

Ever so lovingly Chance wiped away the couple of tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" He cooed.

"I'm not crying, my eyes are just sweating a bit." I tried and choked out, but only got it out with a little chuckle.

He broke out a huge smile and brought me in for a tight hug and a gentle yet deep kiss.

We sat like that for at least 10 minutes, just sitting in silence, and appreciating like crazy our ability to finally be back with each other. I didn't know why or how, but I didn't want to know. He was here and that's all that mattered to me.

"You know I told you I'd be back, right?" Chance asked me.

I nodded yes.

"So you'd say I keep my promises?"

"Absolutely." I replied.

"Well, I've got some promises for you, some more ones that mean a lot to me. I want to let you in on them." He told me.

"Ok." I said, sitting up and facing him.

"First of all, I don't know why I was allowed to leave, no flippin idea. But I will keep you safe with everything I have. I'll watch over you like a hawk to keep you safe and only in my hands." He started.

Nodding my head, to show I was listening I kept listening.

"I'm also going to love you like crazy. Not whatever the hell those psychos call love, but actually love you. You're just such an amazing person, and you deserve the world, the moon, the stars and so much more." Chance continued.

Suddenly out of nowhere Chance slipped off of the bed and suddenly he was on both knees looking up at me.

A giggle escaped my lips.

"What are you doing down there, silly?" I giggled.

"Making my last promise." He said, suddenly serious.

He reached into his back pocket and instantly it all hit and made sense.

"Oh my god." I gasped and both hands shot up over my mouth.

"Bella, this might be the absolute worst fucking timing in the history of horrific timing. I love you so much though, more than anything in this entire world. I've been wanting to do this for months now, but you know......." Chance started to say, choking up just even thinking about the horrors of the many past months.

Through my own tears starting to form on my face I scooted to the end of the bed and gently placed my hand on the side of his face.

"I just want you happy, for.....and loved." He forced out through his emotions running.

Before I knew it his one knee went down and a box opened in front of my eyes.

Through the tears and sobs that wracked my body I was able to spit two words out..........

"I do."

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