What's Up With Chance?

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Tyler Burgess' POV -
I kept looking back in my rearview mirror to make sure Bella was still following us.

"She's quite the spunky and sexy little lady." Josh Manuel stated from next to me.

"Oh yeah, but it only makes her more loveable. Tonight was unlike any night ever, she really let go. I haven't ever watched her get that....that confident and joyful." I told them.
"What do you think's going on in that car right now? Tyler (c) asked me, a touch of a laugh to his tone.

"I think Bella's probably white-knuckling that wheel. She's incredibly smart and inquisitive, so I'm guessing that she's going to figure it out by the time we stop." I admitted.

"What do we do if she figures it out?" Josh (M) wondered.

"Just be honest, be straight up, and honestly don't be a dick just to be a dick. For example if she tells you to go fuck yourself, you have every right to get stern with her. However, if you come out swinging for no reasons, she'll resent you and never full respect for you, which as you can imagine complicates things." I reasoned with them.

"Is that what Bella's issue is with TJ, she doesn't respect him?" Scout questioned me.

"Bella just hates TJ. No one really is 100% sure as to why, and I'm not sure we ever will know. Tj aside, Bella pretty much either can get along with you at times or she can't, and obviously the more people she has those good relationships with the easier everything goes. I mean, to be honest when we get Bella back for good it's going to be the biggest shit show to happen on this Earth. It doesn't need to be worse than it already will be." I explained further.

I shut up as I turned my focus to the street names, trying my best to find the little shop.
Finally finding it, I turned left into the parking lot and parked the SUV. Bella parked two spots over from me.

Sky, Michael, and AJ got out of the car and walked towards us, but I realized Bella wasn't headed over to us. She had slipped into the back seat.

"What the hell?" Michael asked, noticing her as well.

"Who the fuck knows?" I groaned, opening up the door for all of them as they walked in.

Once they all were in, Bella slipped back out of the car and walked towards me.

"If something looks, swims, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck, correct?" She whispered to me.

"You catch on quick." I whispered back, knowing she damn well wasn't referring to ducks.

"Let's hope your buddies inside do." She mumbled.

A deep growl erupted from my throat, thankfully quiet enough so that no one else heard it.
I loved her, and I truly did have her safety and health in mind. However, she was smart and cunning, she knew just how to get those perfect jabs into me.

I truly did value the safety she found in me, but there was a dynamic to be known by all of us, if she didn't follow in line, it was truly my job to correct that, as much as it may be hard.

Fact of the matter was she needed to watch herself.

When I made it to the booth, I saw Bella standing next to the table where everyone else was already sitting.

"Why don't you sit down?" I asked, finally reaching the table.

She quickly turned to me, a worried expression on her face.

"I shouldn't be here, I should have just stayed home and sucked it up." She whimpered.

"Hey, hey, it's ok. Why the sudden change in heart?" I whispered, gently placing my hands on her shoulders.

"I was so fucking stupid to come." She groaned, holding her head in her hands.

"Bella, you're ok. All you have to do is get up to go. If we wanted to.....take you, you would already be knocked out in the back of one of those two cars." I stated, reaching for what I hoped to be the right words.

I watched as she took a deep breath in, and took a peek around the circular booth at all of the 6 guys.

Sky made room for me so I could slip into the end seat, and I noticed Bella stayed where she was.

Michael (B) then made room for Bella on the other side of the booth, but she continued to nervously stay where she was.

"Bella, sit down, you look suspicious." I finally hissed out.

That got her attention.

Finally breaking from her frozen pose, she slid into the spot next to him and I saw her body instantly freeze up. A nervous trait of hers.

"I'll tell you what looks a lot more suspicious. 7 men in their late to mid twenties sitting with an 18 year old girl." She replied.

That emitted a small chuckle from under Scout's breath, which then received a nice little threatening death glare from Bella.

"Hey, hey, let's just relax, alright?" Michael cooed, placing his right arm suddenly around Bella's shoulder and pulling her tight to his side.

That's when I saw Bella go from slightly scared and upset to full on enraged yet trapped by her growing fear.

Bella didn't know him and didn't know what he was capable or willing to do, it was smart of her to show caution.

His lips went to her ears as he continued to whisper something to her, something that we were honestly unaware of.

Props to him though, from all the stories he's heard it took some serious balls to take so much charge right out of the gates.

Michael finally pulled away, leaving Bella looking not scared, not angry.....honestly I wasn't sure how to fully describe it. It was as if Michael had drained all of the emotion from her.
"Alrighty, on that note what does everyone want?" Josh questioned us all.

He took everyone's order, and then AJ popped up too.

"I'll help." AJ stated.

"Wait one second, I just want to quickly thank all of you for an amazing show, you all kicked ass and worked harder than any other band I know." Michael congratulated the rest of his band, giving knuckles to all of them.

While Bella was too busy watching Michael, I happened to notice with a keen eye that Michael slipped something into AJ's hand.

Trying to get his attention quickly, I threw him a curious glance.

He just mouthed 'it's ok and she'll be fine'

I had no reason to doubt him.

"Were Logan and Brody not able to make it?" Tyler (C) wondered, trying to change the topic.

"Unfortunately not, they were helping Palaye Royale track some guitar and bass in their bus." I replied.

"Shame." Tyler sighed.

"Maybe, but I think they could go a day without partying." I chuckled.

"Yeah, you could say that again." Scout agreed.

"Here you go!" Josh exclaimed, coming back to our booth and setting down two trays of frozen yogurt.

They passed them out, and Michael nodded his head towards me, signaling me to distract Bella.

"That's a pretty necklace, Bells." I complimented her, pointing to the pretty little diamond heart hanging in the middle of her chest.

"This little thing?" She asked, gently touching it.

"Yeah, I like it." I said, now looking over and watching as AJ quickly injected the vial that Michael had given him into his cup of frozen yogurt.

Making sure that Bella didn't catch on, I kept talking about the necklace as they then quickly switched Bella's cup and the now drugged one.

Our conversation faded off and Bella once more focused her attention to the man who didn't hold back dominance at all, Michael.

He finally dropped the tight grip on her shoulder, as he couldn't eat with his arm still draped around her shoulder.

There was some small talk among myself and the guys from Issues, about the show, the drive, crazy fans, etc. Bella took no part in it whatsoever though.

She ate silently, and made herself small as she sat on the very edge of the seat, being as far away from Michael as possible without falling off.

Everyone kept taking gentle glances over at her, waiting for her to pass out.
"Are you going to come back to the hotel with us, or spend the night with your band?" Sky wondered.

"I'll probably just crash at the hotel, afterall I'll have to drive back." I replied, hoping he understood I meant Bella's car.

"Ah, I gotcha." He said.

A sudden whimper got all of our attention.

"You're ok." Michael whispered, turning towards her and placing a hand on her back.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." She softly cried, realizing what had happened to her.

Bella turned to get up out of the seat, but Michael stopped her.

"Shhhh." He cooed, quickly placing a hand over mouth.

Michael managed to maneuver Bella's head into his lap, covering her body up with his jacket.

"Fucking hell." I groaned to myself, letting my head fall back onto the booth's edge.

"Mmmm." Bella mumbled, under the grip of Michael's hand.

"Just go to sleep." He whispered once more.

You could easily see the veins in his upper arm bulge, giving away the fact that Bella wasn't just going to be passive about this.

Ty and AJ started to talk slightly louder than the music that was playing, so that no one else would be able to hear what was going on. Thankfully there were only a few other people here, but they were at a minimum of 100 feet away so we were 98.7% sure that we were safe.

"Done?" Sky asked, raising his eyebrow at Michael.

"I fucking hope so." He sighed, pulling his jacket further up along her back so that it covered her up.

"What exactly did Chris say to you, and what did he want?" Tyler C. wondered.

"Once I told him what Bella had said about Chance and his behavior, he honestly got a little nervous. He's afraid he might be up to something that would either get Bella hurt, or put her in a situation where she's forced to do something she'll regret. He wanted you guys to take her in your bus until one of them was able to track Chance down and figure out what the hell he's up to." I explained.

"You know him better than any of us, or the others. What do you think he's up to?" Josh asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Whatever it is, it can't be good. You don't go from willing to get yourself killed to help the one you love, to not giving a shit about their existence over nothing. I know you guys may not have had the best experience with her," I said nodding my head in the direction of a passed out Bella on Michael's lap

"But once you get to know her, you'll understand why we fight so hard for her. That's why they're having a tough time figuring out what's going on at the moment." I finished saying.

"I think it would be a good idea if right now we go back to the buses, because now the hotel isn't an option with Bella. If you don't mind coming with us though for a bit, give us a few tips and tricks and such." Scout stated.

"Sounds good." We all agreed.

The rest of us all got out of the booth as Michael was carefully picking Bella up, and cradling her close to his chest.

"First tip, don't be near her when she gets up. She won't be too happy about what happened, and trust me, when she's not happy with you....it's kind of a huge migraine, one I'm sure you guys aren't looking for," I told Michael, as a bit of a heads up.

Michael just chuckled.

"I'll keep that in mind." He said, passing off Bella to AJ who was already in the RV so he also count get in without worrying about falling.

"Thank you."
Chance's POV ~

11 PM passed just as fast as the previous 6 hours had passed, and yet there was still no sign of them.

"Come on, where the fuck are you?" I growled to myself as I paced the hotel room back and forth.

I didn't have time to sit around and wait, I needed to get back to Bella as soon as possible.
Lord knows I didn't need her angrier at me than she already was.

"Hey, open the door." A voice suddenly demanded, delivering a hard knock at the door.

Running to the door, I opened it and came face to face with her.

"What the fuck took you so long?" I hissed, grabbing her wrist and pulling her into my room.

No one could see us together.

"Traffic's terrible. Why are you so worried anyways?" She asked.

"Oh that's right, that stupid fucked up messed of a girl you've got back at home has you on a choke chain." She answered herself.

"Don't talk about her like that." I said, rolling my eyes at her blatant disrespect.

"No, you don't get to roll your eyes like I'm the bad one, Chance. You, you're the one who reached out to me, you're the one who wanted this first. Do you also remember all those things you said about Bella anyways? How she was pulling you down, that she was nothing but trouble for you? You're the guilty one." She yelled at me.

Fuck, she had a point.

"I just can't help but feel guilty." I admitted, sitting down on the bed.

She instantly threw off her top and slipped her shorts off, leaving her in nothing but skimpy black lingerie.

She continued over to me until she was straddling my groin.

"All that wreck of a girl does is pull you down, let me take you to cloud nine." She purred.

I was pushed back into the bed as she crawled up onto my chest, not being able to take my eyes away from her body as she exposed more and more to me.

"Oh, Chance." She cried out in pure ecstasy, only needing skin contact to feel that way.

"Fuck, Cassie." I groaned, fully enveloped in the passion of the room.

One last time she leaned down into my ear.

"I'd bet you a million dollars Bella never made you feel a quarter of this good."

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