Chapter Six: Почемучка - Pochemuchka

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~Chapter Six: Почемучка – Pochemuchka~

Waking up the next morning, I find myself groggy and unpleasantly stiff from having slept on the floor all night. There was one point where I had woken up because someone had been knocking on my door to inform me of dinner, but I only stayed awake long enough to pull the comforter off the bed and to curl up under it before allowing exhaustion to pull me back into unconsciousness.

However, it is now early morning and if I continue to sleep here, my magic will not be around to heal the aches and pains. By the time I manage to force myself to stand up and climb into bed, though, I feel wide awake. Or, at least, no longer tired enough to sleep. I feel horrible and my brain is foggy, but closing my eyes does not help me fall back into oblivion. So, instead, I just lie in bed, regretting every decision that led here, even if most of them were not made by me.

It is likely a couple of hours or more of restless wakefulness before there is a knock on my door, far more insistent than the one that woke me last night. I contemplate pulling the sheets over my head and pretending to still be asleep, but the door swings open just as I reach for them. "Veles, breakfast," Hors announces, pausing on the top step to eye the comforter on the floor with a guarded look. "You have five minutes to get ready."

With that said, Hors turns on his heels and disappears back downstairs. He leaves the door wide open in his wake, which is an obvious ploy to make me get out of bed. Since, upon getting up, it is pointless to just return to the bed, so I might as well dress myself for breakfast.

Or so he likely thinks.

I doubt I actually have any privacy in this house, so I do not see the reason in closing a door when it is not like I can actually lock it. Instead, I just enact my earlier decision and pull the sheets over my head. Though my blanket barrier is not as thick as it would be if I had my comforter, it is still two layers of perceived protection from reality. Plus, when I pull the pillows over my head, it only adds to the illusion of my current surroundings not being the attic in my enemy's house. If I pretend hard enough, I could even be in my own bed in Iriy, even if it was never this comfortable.

Unfortunately, the other two gods live to spite me, apparently, since I hear footsteps on the stairs an estimated six minutes later. There is a pause at the threshold, followed by a sigh from a voice that is slightly softer than Hors', meaning that I have a very unwelcome guest. Scowling, I yank the sheets off my head and glare at Perun when he starts to approach me.

"Get out."

"Hors said five minutes; it's been seven," Perun replies, looking like he is not sure if he should be disapproving or amused. My eyes narrow on the faint smirk of his. Has he come to torture me then?

I make no attempt to move. "And that is supposed to matter to me?"

Perun seems to decide that disapproving is the way to go, as he furrows his brow and crosses his arms. "You didn't finish more than half of your lunch yesterday and skipped dinner. You need to eat, Veles," the king god states, and then uncrosses his arms to hold out his hand, as if for me to take. "The food is almost ready. Come on."

Rather than take it, though, I merely glare. "Fuck off, Perun," I sneer, and then promptly turn over and pull the sheets back over my head in an attempt to drown him out in my last moments. I do not really feel like watching him kill me right now.

Even prepared for the blow, I still flinch when two hands touch me through the sheets. However, instead of striking a killing blow or performing magical torture, those hands slide under me and, just as it dawns on me what he is doing, he picks me up. The blankets – which are starting to feel less like a barrier and more like a trap – make it impossible for me to actually struggle free, as I just find myself more tangled up than I started. Before I can unravel myself, though, Perun does it for me, and then promptly drops me in the filled bathtub.

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