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After a month of near-constant activity while trying to find a way to free Ainmire followed by a full week of staying in Asgard while watching Frigg and Eir start to work on healing my mentor's mind from the trauma of his combined imprisonments, as he never mentally recovered from the first one, even if he seemed mostly okay the one time I saw him after it, there was something so relieving about spending the night in the familiarity of Perun and Hors' bed back in the pocket dimension. Though Hors had spent a couple of nights with me in Asgard and Perun visited every day, there was the constant presence of other gods and servants that made it hard to actually be alone with either of them, let alone both of them at the same time.

However, now that we are back in the pocket dimension for the foreseeable future, as Eir believes it will be a while before Ainmire is well enough to decide if he wants to help us in a war, let alone actually fight in one, I have no intention of leaving anytime soon. It had been decided by Odin, after talking with a still-slightly-confused Ainmire, that it would not be wise to inform the Celts of Ainmire's freedom, at least until Ainmire is healthy enough to make his own decisions, as we all know what will happen if the Dagda or Ainmire's uncle get to him while he is still unwell. Talking to Gwyn ap Nudd would be a one-way ticket to Faerie for my mentor, and the Dagda would eagerly take the opportunity of a mentally-weaker Ainmire to increase his dependency on the Celtic king god's family line.

And that's not even accounting for what will happen if a Fae King spirits him away first.

I would have stayed longer, but there is only so much I can do to help before my presence becomes more of a hindrance. After all, while I am strong enough in magic to offer aid, I am a reminder of Ainmire's past while he needs to be focusing on the present and the future to ease back into life, or so Frigg said. I, however, believe that the reason she sent me away is because Ainmire, being my mentor, feels he needs to appear strong when I am around, and that lead to him denying ailment on multiple occasions, frustrating the queen to no end.

It's kind of for the best, no matter how much I don't like leaving him there; he needs the break from me hovering over his shoulder, and I just need the break.

Perun and Hors apparently agreed, as I end up waking up a few hours later than usual after a night of uninterrupted sleep, which I am grateful for. This is the best I have felt in weeks...well, sort of. For all that I am physically well, this is also the most stressed I have felt since Ainmire's return. During my stay in Asgard, after a couple of lonely nights, I had made a decision, and now that I am here and not feeling half dead from exhaustion, it is time to actually go through with it.

However, as I near the doorway to the kitchen, I slow down, able to hear their low voices from the hallway and feeling unsure if I should interrupt. Though I cannot make out what they are saying, I can sense the mood, which is why I am not surprised to find Perun straddling Hors' lap at the table when I cautiously peek around the wall. Neither of them seems to notice me, and I hesitate to announce my arrival. Instead, I continue to watch them from the doorway as they kiss and enjoy some very light petting with the occasional murmur of a conversation I cannot eavesdrop on from here.

They are clearly enjoying themselves, though, and I am not going to break that up just to tell them something that will ruin the mood. Lunch will likely be within the hour, so I can wait until then to tell them, even if waiting will only increase my unease. Still, my chest aches at the sight of them so close together, so I turn to walk away, but I barely make it more than three steps before a voice makes me stop.

"Come back here, Veles," Hors calls from the kitchen, no longer speaking in a soft murmur but a sharp command. I stiffen in surprise and try to ignore the sudden anxious bubbling in my chest.

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