Chapter Thirty-two: Пороша - Porosha

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[WARNING: Brief reference to psychological torture.]

~Chapter Thirty-two: Пороша – Porosha~

Perun is, at first, surprised by the kiss and almost pulls away, but then his mind seems to catch up to what is going on, and before I can think to end it, my point already proven, I end up in his lap as he tries to deepen the kiss. One of his hands grabs my hips while the other ends up on my upper back, pushing me against him. Something warm and fuzzy starts to take up all the space in my head, removing all thought and self-control; all that is left are just his lips, his scruffy beard, and his warm body.


And then, before I can even decide if I like it or not, his mouth is gone, and I am trying to regain the air I had not even realized I was missing. "Fuck," I hiss, out loud this time, but it does not sound angry, just confused, which is exactly how I feel right now with my head resting against his shoulder, unable to find the energy to leave his lap.

A hand brushes through my hair, and I suddenly realize that Hors is a lot closer than he was a moment ago, as he is now in the middle of the couch, his side brushing Perun's and his thigh sandwiching my leg to Perun's. Rather than say something comforting or whatever it is he usually does, his hand gently tugs on my hair until I grudgingly lift my head off Perun's shoulder, only for him to tilt my head to the side a little and guide me into another kiss, but with him this time.

Where Perun was soft, warm, and almost desperate, Hors is hard, hot, and demanding. I am not even sure what happens, as my brain shorts out at some point, but his tongue ends up in my mouth, tasting of tea and honey. It ends far slower than it began, but when he lets me pull away, I almost do not want to. And it is only when fingers brush over my cheeks that I realize I had started to cry at some point. Why, though, I have no idea.

"Veles," Hors murmurs softly. "Thank you for giving us a chance."

I merely nod, words so far beyond me right now that I cannot even try to find them, and let my head fall back against Perun's shoulder, for now content to just stay like this.

- - - - - - -

Somehow, we end up back in their bedroom. However, all we end up doing is sleep, as it was still only four or five in the morning when everything happened, and that is not enough sleep to go through the day on, according to them. And considering how long we stayed up to read the journals, I am not surprised when we all end up sleeping past the normal breakfast time.

I groan when Hors slides out of bed at some point, taking all the warmth with him since someone kicked off the blankets in the night. However, the kiss I receive as an apology definitely warms me up. Not enough to get out of bed, but I accept it with a sleepy hum before rolling closer to Perun, who is another furnace even if he runs a bit colder, which is where I spend the next twenty minutes while Hors showers and starts to prepare breakfast.

Rather than play the part of my heater for the rest of the morning, though, Perun eventually slides out of bed as well. Only, he does not offer me an apologetic kiss. Instead, the bastard picks me up and starts carrying me into the bathroom. "Fuck you," I groan, grudgingly waking up now that the threat of being dumped into a bathtub is present. "We're not bathing together."

"Yet," Perun promises, but he respectfully sets me down on my feet without complaint and leaves the bathroom. I stare after him, a little lost still, even after last night – actually, especially because of last night – but confusion and something fluffy are the only emotions to well up in my chest. There is no anger, no resentment, no fear or despair. There probably should be at least one of those, and maybe there still will be later, but, for now, I feel...content. Maybe even happy, which is rare.

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