Chapter Sixteen: Нападать - Napadat'

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[Warning: Mention of previous drowning.]

~Chapter Sixteen: Нападать - Napadat'~

Sleep did not come easy after the nightmare, but waking up an hour or so after finally managing to sleep is far harder. It feels almost as if someone has cast a sleeping spell on me, and I am only just barely strong enough to counter it with sheer force of will. For a moment, my will almost gives in as I ponder just going back to sleep. All it takes to power through it is the mental reminder of what Hors promised to do should I make him come retrieve me for my bath again.

Nevertheless, that does not make my fall out of bed any more graceful. I had been trying to slip out of my bed, hoping it would wake me up faster if I was no longer warm and comfortable under my blankets, only for one of the sheets to catch around my ankle, pulling me off balance as I tried to stand. My shoulder hits the floor first with a soft thud, and my face rubs against the carpet uncomfortably, my leg still trapped in the sheets on the bed.

For a moment, I just lay there, awkwardly positioned, but too close to sleep to work my arms into lifting myself up. Eventually, though, I manage to convince my body to cooperate long enough for me to push myself back into bed and untangle my leg. This time, when I carefully stand up, none of my limbs catch on the fabric, and I am free to gather my clothes. It is a little early for me to take my shower, but I have no doubt Hors is already awake after what happened last night.

When I head downstairs, I can hear Hors stirring something in the kitchen, but I do not see Perun on my way into their bathroom. Either he has yet to return, which means my oath is still active, or he is somewhere else in the house or even outside in the garden. Rather than seek him out to find out if he is back or not, though, I take a bath.

Though I am still not in the mood for a bath, I feel less inclined to take a shower, as I am still tired and do not want to remain standing that long. As I settle into the bath, though, I realize that I probably should have opted for the shower anyway, as this is warm and comfortable, and I might fall asleep if I am not careful.

Drowning isn't the worst way to go, though; very peaceful after the lung burn goes away.

I try to finish up as fast as possible to avoid falling back asleep, but I still end up lingering for a couple of minutes even after I have nothing left to do. The air smells like some unidentifiable mix of fruit and wood from the soaps, which is oddly calming. I am not sure why it would be, though, as all it reminds me of is Hors. Perun likely uses the same soaps, too, but I have yet to be close enough to actually smell them on him.

Eventually, with a grunt, I rise from the bath, water cascading down my skin while I lean over the edge of the bathtub to press the button that releases the plug. I wait until the water is completely gone before reaching for my towel, feeling that it is the safest bet after the little mishap this morning with the sheets. I would rather not repeat that by slipping in the water instead.

After dropping off my clothes in the washroom, I join Hors in the kitchen. I hover for a moment by the counter, wondering if he is going to ask me to do something again, but no such order comes, so I take a seat at the table to wait. Hors does not acknowledge my arrival, though I know he knows I am here. Either he is too focused on the food or he wants me to greet him first, and I fight the urge to do just that.

Instead, after a moment of debating whether or not I will sound too eager by inquiring, I ask, "Is Perun back yet?"

Hors does not look away from the food, which smells like kasha, but he does answer my question. "No. He is likely still investigating the attack and taking care of the twins."

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