Chapter Thirty-three: Глазомер - Glazomer

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~Chapter Thirty-three: Глазомер – Glazomer~

After my stomach settles enough for me to tell the story, it takes at least ten minutes for me to explain what happened – and I mean everything, omitting the prophecy, of course - to Hors, as he has a right to know that he might have a bigger target on his back, but it takes him all of ten seconds afterwards to break a chair. His hand had moved from my stomach to the chair leg at some point, and the next thing we knew, the kitchen smelled like smoke. It took him barely a second to put the fire out, but the leg of the chair is now very charred, and Hors had me move to another chair when it started to creak under my weight.

Perun arrives not five minutes after the fire accident, as Hors had apparently woken me up to give me time to be ready for dinner, and the first thing the king god asks is why there is vomit in the living room and why it smells like something is burning. However, his priorities change the moment he catches a look at our sober expressions. "What happened?"

"Zeus had the Oneiroi manipulate Veles' dream," Hors says at the same moment as I grumble, "The horny Olympus fucker tried to make a deal."

Hors gives me an exasperated look, as my explanation was clearly not good enough for him, but I stand by it. If I cannot be this rude to Zeus' face, then I am sure as fuck going to be this rude when talking about him, and if it makes the shaking in my hands a little less pronounced when I am angry rather than...than scared, then all the better. Clearly, though, Perun does not think highly of either of our explanations.

"What happened?" He insists, and they have a quick moment of silent communication when their eyes meet before Hors stands up to go turn off the stove, Perun takes Hors' place to kneel by my feet almost immediately, as it is apparently the easiest way to see eye-to-eye with me. Unlike Hors, though, he does not put his hands in my hair or on my stomach and instead rests one hand on my knee and another on my cheek to cup my face. "Veles, please."

So, I explain. And if the rumbling of thunder outside is anything to go by, his reaction is no better than Hors', but at least there is no damage down to the furniture this time. We only have three remaining chairs, after all.

"I'm going to speak to Marzanna," is the first thing Perun says after I finish explaining the nightmare-dream-communication-thing to him. "She might have wards or spells that can block others from gaining access to your dreams. Or anyone else's for that matter. Is this the first time you've noticed the presence of any Oneiroi, or do you think there were other dreams they might have manipulated?"


"This isn't the first time it's happened," I reluctantly confess, and judging from Perun's darkening expression, he is picking up on the fact that I am not making a guess but a statement. "Before my last death, I started having more nightmares, and Zeus admitted to having the Oneiroi influence my dreams."

I stiffen when Perun drops his head into my lap, unsure of his reaction and what to expect. "Veles," Perun groans. After a moment, he sighs, his breath warming my thigh, and says, "That's really something you should have mentioned earlier."

Staring at the back of his blond head for a moment before looking at the table instead, I shrug uncomfortably. "I tried to forget for a while, and I had been hoping that none of the Oneiroi realized I had revived yet so they leave me alone," I admit. "And...and after the incident in Moscow, I had more important things on my mind than bad dreams."

Perun groans again, his face still pressed against my thigh, but he does not seem angry, just exasperated. It is Hors who responds first, though. "I know you didn't trust us back then, but even dropping a few hints that the Oneiroi could be active would have been better, Veles," the sun god says, coming to stand beside Perun and me. He also does not seem angry, but I can tell he is not happy, either. "Keeping this kind of information to yourself puts both you and the pantheon in danger."

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