Chapter Ten: Беда - Beda

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[Warning: Detailed panic attack.]

~Chapter Ten: Беда - Beda~

"I'm afraid I must insist," Hera says, a hideously smug smirk on her face.

So, this is why they sent her.

An unpleasantly familiar feeling starts to build in my chest, but I ignore it. "Insist all you want, Hera. I am not going anywhere with you right now," I reply. When she starts walking closer, I do not allow myself to take a step back, lest I give something away. There is no way she could know about my lack of magic–

Unless Perun told her. What if this was Perun's trap? What if the Greeks are working with him?

I tilt my head to the side, mentally giving myself a shake. Now is not the time to worry about it, I remind myself, watching Hera as she begins to circle around me like some kind of hungry dog – a comparison I just know she would love.

"Not even if Zeus is willing to offer you revenge?" Hera asks sweetly, though there is nothing about her expression that looks even remotely friendly. She looks like she wants to sink her glittery nails into my heart.

While the offer itself might have been tempting had it come from literally anyone else, I do not trust either of the ruling Greek gods. Zeus is as fickle with his promises as his lovers, and Hera would happily tear me to pieces should her husband even show a glimmer of interest in me as anything other than a business partner. Neither of them is trustworthy.

"I prefer to work alone," I maintain, keeping my voice strong despite the growing sense of unease with her now standing at my back. However, I refuse to turn around, no matter how foolish of a decision that might very well be. Keeping up appearances of being unconcerned is far more likely to keep me safe than actually defending myself would.

A hand slides along my arm as Hera walks around me again, sultry and inviting. However, it is far too late for her to play that role with me unless she expects me to believe that her forcefulness was merely foreplay...actually, it might have been. She is married to Zeus, after all; it would not surprise me if Hera has no idea how to get her husband to pay attention to her without forcing him to.

"Perhaps later,"–when I have my magic back–"but I have other things that require my attention right now."

Hera comes to a stop directly in front of me, her height drastically decreasing her intimidation ability despite her attempts to glare me into submission. "Why haven't you left already, then?" The Greek goddess asks.

"Because you would continue to pursue me if I did," I counter, resisting the urge to cross my arms defensively. The feeling in my chest grows, but I shove it down since ignoring it proves futile.

Her eyes narrow shrewdly. "Why are you here at a mortal transportation service, Veles?"

"It is a pleasant way to travel," I snap, and then promptly regret it when she smiles, looking far too pleased for someone who has not won. Yet.

What did she figure out?

"Is Perun tracking your magic?" Hera asks innocently, and I am not sure whether I should be relieved that she has not guessed the real reason or concerned that she has figured out I am actively running away from my king god. There is no doubt in my mind that she will try to use this against me and threaten to call Perun here if I do not go with her to Mount Olympus.

Before I can reply, though, someone else cuts in, "Why would I be tracking him if I have been with him since his return, Hera?"

I am not sure which of us is more surprised. I do, however, know which of us is more frightened by Perun's sudden appearance. While my death is inevitable, I will eventually revive and go on living. Hera, though, will just die. I am not entirely sure what happens to Greek gods when they die, but I do know that Hades dislikes Hera almost as much as I do. And, knowing Zeus, he might just leave her to rot in the underworld for a few millennia while he enjoys the freedom of multiple lovers in her absence before demanding his brother bring her back somewhere down the road.

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