" I'm starting to think Griff is dead "

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Song : See you again
By : Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth

After 2 years :

Rosabella and Parker kept searching the orphanages in Washington , They searched online as well but didn't find anything , Once Rosabella was talking to Parker :

Rosabella : Parker , I'm starting to think...
Parker : what is it ?
Rosabella : that Griff is dead and We're basically looking for nobody .
Parker : What ? No , Rosabella , Don't give up , I told you this before .
Rosabella : I know but..What if he's dead ? What am I going to do ? Parker , I just can't drug you behind me and We'll gain nothing nafter .
Parker : just , Don't give up , It doesn't matter , I'm honoured to help you .
Rosabella started to cry and She hugged Parker
Rosabella : Thank you so much .
Parker : You're so welcome , please Don't cry , It's okay .
Rosabella calmed down but She couldn't let go , Parker didn't mind and hugged back .

Katherine P.O.V :

Me and Fred were going to buy some stuff from the mall , We went by car , on our way back I was checking the stuff we just bought , and Fred was on his phone next to me , I rolled my eyes at him and kept checking the bags , while the driver was driving the Lemo ( like duh..)

We were 5 streets ahead from our house when Fred shook my hand as a sign to look , I looked to see a giant truck coming near us , It was enormous , I didn't know what will happen if We crashed in that truck but...

Me : please , drive away from the truck .
Driver : I'm sorry , I can't pass it .
And in a spare minute the truck was heading near us so fast , I took a hold on Fred so tight , then I felt a loud strong crack in our car , all I could see was the cracked window before I see everything turning to black .

Third person's P.O.V :

The car crash place was full of journalists , cameras , an ambulance , the police and of course..curious people .

The next day newspapers' first page had the restaurant manager Frederick Jones and his wife , the famous model Katherine Jones died in a car crush .

The famous restaurant manager Frederick Jones and his super famous model Katherine Jones died in a serious car accident , leaving their pretty famous daughter Rosabella Jones an orphan , a detective in the accident place said : The Jones couple's car was hit by a giant truck ,

seems like It was on purpose accident but We can't tell since the truck's driver is dead as well , The couple was seen last time coming out from the mall , in the car a lot of house stuff was found , obviously bought from Pacific Place mall ,

the last call in Frederick Jones's mobile phone was from his assistant William Thompson , William was sent to the police station for investigating ,
But in an interview with Angela Stevens , a student in Annie Wright school , says :

Every family have their darkest secret , and I can reveal to you The Jones's secret , Frederick and Katherine Jones abandoned a kid 11 years ago , before They got famous ,

They didn't have enough money to raise him , and of course I know that because I'm Rosabella's best friend , am I not ?

There's only one kid who also know about the secret but didn't tell anyone because he is that loyal amazing best friend , Parker Roonie knew about this secret , but it doesn't matter now , does it ?
This is how Angela Stevens' interview ended up , the funeral will be held tomorrow at 6 p.m .

That was the article about Frederick & Katherine Jones in the Washington post .

The next day :
Annie Wright school :
Lunch time :

Harper , Arianna , Parker , Matthew , Isaak , Val were sitting in the Canteen , but Rosabella wasn't there , The kids didn't read the Washington post article or anything , The conversation started :

Matthew : guys , Why didn't Rosabella came today ?
Parker : I don't know , Is there a reason ? I mean I just thought she might be sick .

Harper : Rosabella doesn't get sick more often , Not in this days , There's a clear reason Why didn't she come to school today ?

Arianna : I can go to the bathroom and talk to her .
They nodded but Angela the school bully came up :

Angela : How are you even her friends if you don't know Why did she came to school ?
Parker : just go away , It's not your time , alright ?

Angela : Don't you guys read ?
Isaak : What do you mean ?
Angela : check this out .
She handed them a copy from Washington post,
They gathered around to read it together

Matthew : Frederick & Katherine Jones died in a car crash... How could this be ?
Harper : This can't be right .
Val : anything in Washington Post must be right
Arianna : Angela , Why do you have to get an interview from Washington post and lie in it , You're the school bully , you have gangs not friends

Angela : Don't you dare insult me , Richards .
Harper : you can't just reveal someone's else family secret and expect the people to be wowed , people will hate you , and don't lie about who's your friend and Who's not !

Angela : Don't talk to me like this , Dixon , You're just a loser...

She was about to complete but Jason Maxwell and his 'friends' came

Jason : hey , Stevens , stop it .
Angela : and who're you to stop me ?
Jason : I'll reveal what was between us .

Angela groaned and left , Parker began :
Parker : Thanks , Jason , That means a lot .
Jason : It wasn't just for you , also for sweet Rosabella Jones , She might get mad at Angela , She's so pretty when She's mad .

He sighed dreamly , Everyone looked at him
Jason : What ???

He left , after the school day was over , the 6 friends headed to their houses to get ready for the funeral then went to Rosabella's house .


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