"you didn't seem to care.."

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Third person P.O.V :

Angela walked into the corridor as the other students just stared at her , shocked .
Angela : *yelling* go back to your stupid conversations , Everyone !
They all went to their conversations , scared of her .

She sighed , and continued walking , till she stood in front of Asher .
Angela : Why are you still alive ?
Asher : just stay away , Angela .
She looked at him in "pity" , and she left .

She stood in front Austin who -clearly- Rosabella didn't notice , and she talked loudly so Everyone will stop their "conversations" and hear her .
Angela : Hello , Cedar . How are you doing ?
He looked at her and shook his head in fear .

Angela : oops..Did I just call you Cedar ?
Austin : ..s-stop .
Angela : You can't hide it forever now , Cedar . Oh , wait . What will your "dad" say about it ?
Austin : *whispering* stop it .
Angela : go tell Rosabella Jones that you're her younger twin brother she's been looking for.

He looked over Rosabella's direction , to see that she was staring at him , but when he noticed her she stared at the ground .
Angela : Correct , that's her .Now go tell her that you're her long lost twin brother .
Austin : *still whispering* My dad will kill me .

Angela : let him , he's not your real dad anyway
Rosabella : Stop it , Angela , just shut up . He doesn't want to , Don't force him . But You're in big trouble I swear , You'll go back to prison again , Angela .

Angela : look at how scared I am.
Rosabella walked to Angela , stared at her , with eyes full of hate and anger , then she slapped her .
Angela : What ? It's your routine now ?
Rosabella slapped her on the other cheek .
Angela : stop it right now .
Rosabella : not till you stop first .

Angela : You'll regret it , Rosabella Jones .
Parker showed up at that moment , he stood next to Rosabella , his arm on her shoulder , looking at her in "coolness" .
Parker : oh yeah ? I think you'll regret it first , Angela . Remember when Isaak called the police ? trust that it will be me this time .

Angela : so you have the guts to do so , but you don't have the guts to tell your best friend here that you love her .
Rosabella slapped her again .
Rosabella : I know he does .
She pushed her , causing Angela to fall on the ground , then she started walking away , making a slight noise on the floor because of her heels .

Cedar : sorry for that , Parker .
Parker : Does she love me ?
Cedar : I..I know she does .
Rosabella : Cedar , Let's go !
Cedar : I have to go .
He walked away , following his sister's steps .

Cedar : Rosabella , wait !
Rosabella : what is it ?
Cedar : Are you mad ?
Rosabella : No , we just need to solve it together.
Cedar sighed in relief , then they continued walking till they arrived to a quiet place .

Rosabella : tell me everything .
Cedar : I'd love to , but my dad will kill me .
Rosabella : he can't hurt you , I will talk with him .
Cedar : ok , well first . I was adopted by the Beckhams , I lived a normal life till I found out about you , I saw you on YouTube and I loved you , then I saw your birth certificate , and I knew you were in Annie Wright . Then My dad suddenly enrolled me in here , with no apparent reason .

Rosabella : and ?
Cedar : I then remembered how much I idolized you , and when I saw you , It was like I never saw you before , At the first sight you were my crush , but I changed my mind when my brain was back on .

Rosabella : What else ?
Cedar : I..I also know that we have two brothers.
Rosabella : two brothers ?
Cedar : yeah , Griff and...Castiel..

Rosabella : W-What ?
Cedar : I found his birth certificate , too .
But I don't know anything about him .
Rosabella : We have another brother ! Anything is written on the certificate ?
Cedar : No ?

Rosabella sighed deeply , then she looked at her twin.
Rosabella : Why didn't you tell me about you in secret ?

Cedar : Because My brother Adam will tell my dad , I know they love me but they don't show it .
Rosabella hugged him tighter than ever , he was shocked , but hugged her back and teared up .
Cedar : I missed you so much.
Rosabella : I missed you too . But you know It happened on the wrong time , Cedar . You could've at least told me about Angela .

Cedar : She threatened me that she will kill you.
Rosabella : let her do it , I don't care .
Cedar : I do ! Rosabella , I've just met you , No one can ruin this .
Rosabella : Don't worry , Cedar .

He smiled , and as she smiled back , she realised that they're late for class , so they started running till they reached their class .

At break :

Rosabella was packing her stuff back to her backpack , Parker looked at her in embarrassment , then he spoke.
Parker : You knew I love you ?
Rosabella : yeah .
Parker : why didn't you tell me ?
Rosabella : You didn't seem to care so much . I was always embarrassed to tell you that I loved you from the first sight .

Parker : Really ?
Rosabella : yeah . Listen , Parker . I appreciate it that you consider me more than a friend , but If you feel down because Jacob tried to kiss me , We can stop this right now .

Parker : I was kind of jealous when I saw the post , but I know you didn't want it to happen .
Rosabella : I didn't know what to do at the time , I was confused..

She was cut off by a soft kiss on her lips..


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