R. I. P Cameron

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This post is made by me on PicsArt.

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I honestly don't know what to say

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I honestly don't know what to say.
I'm so shocked, and still grieving to this moment. Cameron Boyce has passed away on 6 / 7 / 2019.

I saw the news on Instagram, started crying for a while, then closed Instagram, and opened another social media platform, but there's no escape. I can't escape the horrible reality. He's gone.

Jessie has been part of my childhood, and I don't know what I'll do the next time I watch it.

I had considered him my crush the moment I saw him, and I still do.

Descendants has been a part of me too , and watching it won't be the same without him anymore.
I was going to publish The Queen ( A descendants story ), but I don't know if I can.

But doesn't this show us that life is not guaranteed? He was only 20. Who knows who might surprise next? It might be anyone, even me !

So take a moment to tell everyone you know that you love them. and for the people who hurt me (not just them) , I'm pretty sure now you have proof that life is not guaranteed, and that you might end up next. With all the rights and wrongs you ended up doing.

I think chapters will be delayed for a while, till I gain my strength back and accept the fact that he's gone. I just don't believe it. All my words are never going to be enough.

All my feelings go to his family and friends, we'll support you as much as we can.

But I know he's in a better place now. And that Heaven just gained a new angel.

Rest in Peace, Cameron. 1999-2019.

I love you very much.

Adelle Douglass.

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