"just stay away from me"

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Third Person P.O.V :

Parker was never so shocked in his life before , he looked at Rosabella , eyes widened , and tried to speak but failing .

Cedar : You don't remember that he's your boyfriend ?
Rosabella chuckled softly .
Rosabella : He's not my boyfriend , We are just friends . Best friends actually .

Parker started to tear up immediately , looking at his girlfriend in shock .
Parker : You don't remember ? I loved you since I met you , and..You don't remember..

Rosabella : I don't remember any of this . I only know that you're my best friend , nothing else .
Parker : No...just No .
He glanced at Cedar , to see him really interested in his shoes .

He looked up to Rosabella again , and spoke , clearly heartbroken .
Parker : I just have to go..
He walked away , whipping away his tears .

Cedar : I..
Rosabella : *coldly* You have to go , too ?
Cedar : Yeah..
Rosabella : fine , then go .

Cedar left her , as she sat on the bench , Matthew walked up to her .
Matthew : Hey , Rosabella .
Rosabella : Hey , Matthew...

They sat and talked for a moment , While Parker was sitting in Grizzly Cabin , with Cedar next to him trying to make him calm down (cause he was crying ) , when Griff entered the cabin .

Griff : Hey , guys . Parker , What's wrong ?
Parker : It's..
Cedar : It's Rosabella , She's back .
Griff : Really ? Where is she ?
Cedar : Let me finish . She doesn't remember me..and She only remembers Parker as her best friend .

Griff : What ? So..What about me ? Does she remember me or not ?
Cedar : I don't know . You should go ask her .
Griff looked at his brother as 'okay' look , then left the cabin almost immediately .

Parker : I..No offense..but I don't talk to her..like at all .
Cedar : I get it , but remember ? She loves you , Parker .
Parker : I know , It's just..I'm not ready to start this all over again .

Cedar : No one would want to , in a matter of fact .
Parker : What if she doesn't remember at all ?
Cedar : You're the inventor here , and you know science . Everyone who has their memory erased comes back , but after a while.

Parker sighed , in clear annoyance .
Parker : I just..I still love her . But I don't wanna do this .
Cedar : Ok , Now you're crossing the line . Do not break her heart , or else .

Parker : sorry .
Cedar : It's fine , I totally get it .
After a few seconds , Griff entered the cabin , letting out a tear and sighing heavily .
Parker : so What's up ?

Griff : She doesn't remember me..at all .
Tears streamed down his face . No matter how hard he tried to whip them away , they kept coming back .

Griff : How can Angela do this ? I was almost happy when I met her .
Cedar : What do you mean by 'almost'?
Griff : In juvie , I never really known happiness , but then I came here . I met her and everything changed .

Parker : It's practically the same for me , but when I was like five .
They chuckled .
Griff : What about you , Cedar ?
Cedar : Well , before I come to Washington , I was watching her videos on YouTube , and I was..in love with her .

They gasped , and smiled .
Cedar : Relax , I'm not anymore..not because I don't like her , because She's my sister .
Parker : *nodding* We get it .
Griff : How come Matthew is normally talking to her ?

Parker : What ? *angrily* MATTHEW !!
Cedar : You know what else will shock you ?
Griff & Parker : What ?
Cedar : She may be able to have a relationship with Matthew or Isaak , because she doesn't remember her relationship with Parker .

Parker : No ! Matthew , She's mine !!
He said almost yelling .
Cedar : but You just said..never mind..
Cedar rolled his eyes , as they continued to talk.
Griff : It's weird , but I'm sure Parker will be so jealous .

Cedar chuckled softly .
Parker : yeah , Matthew is always jealous from me and Rosabella , and I'll be the same .
Cedar : Me too .
Griff : But how do you know that Matthew is jealous ?

Parker : Everyone is in love with Rosabella , I'm..also kind of jealous .
The three of them giggled .

After a week :

Parker , Cedar and Griff were absolutely ignoring Rosabella , till she because upset badly , and cried occasionally .

Flashback :

Ravi was in Grizzly Cabin , when the three boys talked to him about their situation with Rosabella .

Ravi : You know that It's possible for someone to come back to a certain point in their life , and stay back for a while .
Cedar : Is this limited ? She'll be back , right ?
Ravi : It depends . What's your theory ?

Parker glanced at the others , then spoke .
Parker : No , We're not talking to her .
Ravi paused for a while , then began :
Ravi : You know that if she remembered everything , she'll never forgive you , right ?

Griff : I know , That's the harshest thing about it .
Ravi nodded .

End of Flashback :
The next day :

Rosabella woke up with a strange feeling , she thought of Parker , only to realize that she literally remembers everything .

Then it hit her , he didn't talk to her at all since she came back from Angela's 'secret' cache .
Neither anyone else .

She changed her clothes , and went to The Great Lawn . She sat on a bench , and started to cry .

Parker passed across from her , he saw her crying , and couldn't help it but confront her . He sat next to her , and when he was about to touch her shoulder , she yelled at him through her sobs .

Rosabella : Stay away from me !
Parker seized his palms to keep his hands away from her .
Parker : Why ?

Rosabella : You said that you'll always be with me , and when I lose my memory for only a week , You ignore me like I don't exist .
Parker : I..

Rosabella : Just shut up ! I hate you , just stay away from me .
Then she broke down into crying .

To be continued...


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