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I slept so good. Pretty good for my first night in London.

I was awoke by Tom. He stretched his arm around me. I turned around in our bed to face him.

He yawned for a moment, which was so adorable, and then he looked back at me. "Good morning love. How'd you sleep?"

I smiled. "Like a baby."

He laughed. "Good! Considering you haven't been sleeping good this past week!"

That was true. Between Kate, the move, and the pregnancy, I probably had 20 minutes of sleep the past 6 days.

It was like everything happened, all at once... Oh wait, it did.



Today was a very important day. I was 6 months pregnant. And we were meeting our new doctors today. I was getting an ultrasound. I couldn't wait to see how much our babies have grown. It was both exciting, and terrifying.

I'm pretty sure every parent has a bad feeling at appointments like this. Like the doctors are going to tell you something was wrong with your babies. Maybe it was just me. Or maybe a mommy problem? I really have no idea.

All I know is that I was anxious. But Tom, he was fine. He was more excited, than scared.

He told me already that if anything ever went wrong, that we are strong enough to get through it. That is my motivation today. Our journey, our family, Us, forever and always.



Tom ran around the car and opened the passenger seat door. He took our his hand and helped me out of the car. I felt like i was being treated like a senior citizen. But I knew he was just being a gentlemen. And I loved that about him.

As we waited in the waiting room. I looked up at the TV. I remembered the time I was with Alexis, at her chemotherapy appointment, when Tom popped up on screen and told the interviewer that we were a thing. I smiled at the thought, and I even laughed quietly to myself.

Tom watched as I started laughing. "Jess, what's so funny?"

I took a deep breath and grinned. "Nothing. Its just, the last time I was in a waiting room..."

He smiled and interrupted me. "When you saw interview?"

I nodded and giggled once again. "Tom, that was the cutest thing. The way you got all scared when the interviewer mentioned me."

He chuckled quietly. "That was the most terrifying interview ever, I didn't want to jeopardize our relationship, and I didn't want to lie to the interviewer."

I took his hand. "I think its sweet that you think about me and my feelings."

"Well Jess, that's kind of my job as a husband." he said with a smile.

I nodded. "True."

He looked at me. "Memories like that, are the best. The memories that make you smile. I love to see that beautiful smile on you, Jessica. I love that I'm the reason for it."

His voice was stern and his words were true. He really meant what he said. I grinned. "Well, let's keep on making memories, to smile about."

He laughed. "Sounds good to me, let's start right now." He kissed my cheek.



The doctor finally was ready for us. My nerves started to get the worst of me. I held Tom's hand, and I didn't let go.

After a brief meeting with our new doctor. We were ready for the ultrasound.

The jelly that the put on you stomach was cold and uncomfortable. I kept my eyes on Tom.

I watched as he watched the screen, waitimg for the babies to show up. His smile was wide and his eyes were glowing.

The doctor caught my attention as she pointed to the two little peanuts inside my belly. She pointed to the head, and the little arms. Once I saw the little beings, my nerves were gone, just like that.

I was amazed. A tear fell down my face and I looked back up to Tom.

What made the moment even better was that, when I looked back up to Tom, he was crying too. His eyes glued to the screen, and his hand in mine. He was  completely captivated.

We were making memories. We didn't feel them, but we were definitely making them.

He focused his attention back on me. "Those are our kids! That's T and Junior!"

I smiled. "Yeah, that's them, they are our beautiful creations!"

He took my hand and held it in his, then kissed it gently. "Jessica, I love you so much."

I wiped my tears away. "I love you too Tom."

#Tomica ! So now you know, Jessica has about 3 months to go before she has her babies! And, ALOT can happen in 3 months... you'll just have to keep reading to find out what happens;) Love you all x.Ashley

Unpredictable (Tom Hiddleston FanFic / Unexpected Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now