Girl Time

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Although I was 8 months pregnant. I didn't want to waste any time. I wanted to make Kate's stay in London, memorable.

I wanted it to feel like the last time we were in London together, minus Alexis.

And as for me, well, I needed some fun in my life. Especially at a time like this.



Early the next morning, Kate and I left for the day.

We wanted to relive the day in London. The one with Alexis, sight seeing. I obviously couldn't go wine tasting, but that was okay.

We substituted wine tasting with dinner at a restaurant. It wasn't too far away from some of my favorite attractions.

We talked and laughed. Being as silly as always. We never had a quiet moment.

As we walked down the street, admiring the view, Kate looked over at me.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

I looked back to her. "What do you mean?"

She rephrased her question. "I mean, how are you doing... since Tom left?"

Hearing his name, was hard. Considering the fact that I haven't seen him in so long, I haven't heard his deep, lovely voice say my name. Hearing his name, was like a slap in the face.

I sighed, looking out at the city. "Um, I don't know. I'm still not over him. I still feel my heart racing whenever I talk about him. I still get shivers up my spine when my phone rings, and its never him. I still call him, knowing that I'll get his voicemail message, I listen to it so I can hear his voice. So, nothing has changed. I miss him more than anything."

She looked at me. "I wish I could take away your pain, Jess. I really wish I could help."

I smiled softly and looked to her. "What you are doing right now, talking to me, being there for me, sticking by me through the drama, that's what I need. You are helping me right now."

She put her arm around me and pulled me in for a hug. "I know, I just can't help but feel like you need something, more."

Maybe I did need something more. But I just didn't know what that something was. Who it was.

"Right now, you are all I need." I said.



We were out all day. The sun was just beginning to set. It was about time to go home.

We were both drained. We needed sleep. So we started walking back.

As we walked down the busy street, talking to one another. My eyes caught a glimpse of a tall man, coming out of a coffee shop.


He didn't see me. I could tell it was him. His hair, face, body structure, still the same. And he always likes coffee in the evening.

When I saw him, I stopped in my tracts. Kate turned around to face me. "What's wrong?"

I said nothing, I just stared at Tom. She followed my eyes to see where I was looking. When she saw it was Tom, she took my hand and lead me down the street, past the coffee shop. "Let's go. Don't think about it."

As I walked by, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him.

He looked as if he was, happy. Like nothing was hurting him. Like he wasn't thinking about me.

When he got far enough away, I turned and looked forward. Trying to hold in the tears that I've been keeping inside.

I wanted to turn around and chase him. I wanted to yell at him, scream out his name, I wanted to hate him for leaving me, but at the same time, I wanted to love him, and hold him in my arms.

Kate took my hand in hers. Her eyes filled with sorrow as she saw the look on my face, the look of heartbreak.



When we finally got to the house, I put my bag down on the counter and turned to Kate.

Kate hugged me quick. "Its okay to cry, Jessica."

Once those words came out, it was like a light switch. I began to cry. "He looked happy. He wasn't crying like I am. He doesn't miss me."

Kate stroked the back of my head. "He misses you, I promise."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

She let go of me. "Do you really want to know how I know?"

I nodded. "Yes."

She went to her purse and took out her phone. "Because he texted me last week."

I looked at her. "What... What does it say?" My heart began to beat faster and faster.

She read the message.

Message to Kate, From Tom: Hey Kate, I just sent you the address to the house. I know you've been planning on coming to see Jessica. You've probably heard by now, that we broke up.
I hope you are still going to London. I think Jessica needs a little girl time. Don't worry about the price, i want to pay for you to get here. Jess needs you.
Tell her that I love and miss her. And that I'm sorry I don't answer her phone calls, its just too hard for me. I hope she is doing okay.
Sorry this message is so long, goodbye Kate, thanks for being a good friend. To Jess, and to me.

"He misses me?" I said, while listening to the text.

Kate nodded. "Yes. He misses you, just as much as you miss him."

I closed my eyes. "He loves me."

Kate nodded again. "He will always love you."

"Forever and always." I said quietly to myself.

It was as if I was starting all over again. All my progress that I've made this past month, gone. Just because I saw him.

I thought to myself... will this ever get better?

Unpredictable (Tom Hiddleston FanFic / Unexpected Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now