See You Soon

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I had been up all night. Not surprising.  Ever since I read my first chapter to Tom, seeing his reaction, I got a new motivation for writing.

Tom was sound asleep. He slept so quiet and peacefully. I sat at my desk in our room, with a book light. Every time I couldn't find the right words to say in my story, I would look over to Tom, sleeping, then all of a sudden, I would find the words to write. It was as if they were written on him.

I imagined it as, I was the artist... and Tom, was my muse.

Tom had to leave early in the morning tomorrow, but that wasn't the bad part. He always left pretty early for work. The sad part was, he was going to be gone for a while. The movie was being shot in a town just outside of London, for the first week. So Tom was staying at a hotel, about an hour from our home. It made me sick, to imagine not being with him. But, he promised me that he'd call, and keep in touch. And that is all I need. I trusted him. And I am counting on his promise.

Since Tom was usually the one to surprise me with cute things, I decided that I'd surprise him, before he left for his little trip.

I finished the last paragraph in my story, and tucked it away in my desk.



It was around 8am. An hour before Tom had to leave. I gently shook Tom awake. "Wake up Sleepy Head."

He stretched his long arms and opened his eyes. When his eyes met mine, he took my hand and pulled me on the bed, next to him. "Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning!" I laughed.

He kissed me.

"When you are ready, come out into the kitchen, I have a surprise for you." I said with a grin.

He looked at me in shock. "A surprise? Well in that case, what are we waiting for."

He gave me one more kiss on the cheek before standing up.

I followed behind him, nervous and excited, for him to see his surprise.

He walked into the kitchen and his eyes grew wide. "This is all for me?"

I laughed. "Yes! Who else would it be for?"

He laughed and hugged me tight. "I have the best wife."

I blushed.

In the kitchen was a full on breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast and the usual coffee. The funny thing was, that wasn't even the biggest surprise. And he was so thankful already!

He sat down and stared to pick up his napkin, under the napkin, was a little box.

He looked at me. "What is that?"

I mocked his own words that he said to me, the night he gave me the bracelet. "Well, maybe you'd know, if you opened it."

He smirked at my sarcasm and opened the box slowly.

He gasped when he saw what was inside. "Jessica."

I smiled. "Do you like it?"

He glued his eyes on the gift. "I- I love it! How, did you know..."

I laughed. "Because your my husband. And I know what my husband likes."

The gift, was a watch, a very expensive brand, but Tom has wanted it since, well... forever! I had finally saved up my money, and bought it for him. It was supposed to be for his birthday, but it seemed like a good time to give it to him now.

Unpredictable (Tom Hiddleston FanFic / Unexpected Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now