Already Gone

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I strolled through the park alone, through all the busy streets, through the crowds of people. I didn't know what to do, or even how to act. I definitely couldn't go home, for fear of Tom being there.

Toms words haunted me. The look he gave me, was glued inside my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about those two words that ended us, those words that broke our vows and promises. I'm done. How? Why?

Those two little words split up a family. And when I began to think of our family, of T and Junior... I couldn't help but sink down lower and lower. How will this affect them? Were they going to be part of a broken family? The thought terrified me.

Tom was done, and I, was broken. By the one person who fixed me. The only person who built me up, just to let me down.



A few hours had passed. I had walked the same streets, thought the same thoughts. I decided that it was time to head home, I was hoping that Tom wouldn't be there. I wasn't ready for the confrontation.

I knew that he was still shooting his movie, so I was assuming he would be gone.

On my way back, I walked past the coffee shop. The same coffee shop that brought us together. I kept my head down, trying not to remember the bittersweet memories, because I knew I'd just cry.

I finally reached my house.



When I got close enough to my house, I saw Tom's car... and then Tom.

My heart began beating fast. I had been close enough to see the boxes in his back seat of his car. And he had just opened his car door when he looked up, to see me.

He looked at me for a minute. And then, he mouthed the word 'Goodbye' as a tear ran down his face. He quickly got in the car and drove off.

My heart felt as if it split in two. No. Don't leave. Come back. Be with me.

That was it. I broke down.

When I had enough strength to open the door to our home, the place was empty. All of Tom's things, were no where to be seen, all of his clothes, snatched from our closet. Him... gone.

I stumbled to the kitchen counter, hanging on to it, for dear life. I screamed. I had it it my mind that, maybe if I screamed loud enough, he'd feel my pain, he'd hear my heart breaking... maybe he'd change his mind. Maybe.. he'd come back. But that didn't happen.

I couldn't catch my breathe, as if I was suffocating by the pain.

It finally began sinking in. I took a few deep breaths and focused my attention onto what was important. I had to calm down, the doctor recommended it.

When I finally had the chance to breath, I glanced over at the note left on the counter. It had my name on it... 'Jess.'

For a while. I just stared at it. I didn't want to open it. I knew it was from Tom... so it must have not been a good note.

I closed my eyes tight, trying to concentrate on being calm.

I looked back down to the note, and ripped it open.

I read the note to myself.

Letter From Tom: Jessica, you deserve a man who is there for you, and who makes you feel safe. I'm sorry I couldn't be that man. I tried, but I couldn't. So when I told you that I was 'Done.' I meant, that I was done hurting you. I was done being the reason for your pain. I've always wanted you to be happy. And I truly believe that you will be... one day, with the right man. Fate will lead you in the right direction. I know it.
As for us, well... I'm devastated. But you and I both know, we can't keep something that is not meant to be.
This is the hardest letter to write... I left you our keepsakes. The sweatshirt, the notes I gave you, the pictures we took, everything. You have the choice to do what you want with them. You can burn them, or you can keep them. Its up to you.
I want you to know that I am going to always be here for our children. I am still excited to be a father. And I want to be in their life. I'll always be their daddy. I may have not been the best husband, but I want a chance to be a good father.
Goodbye Jessica, I am so sorry. I still love you. I will always love you... forever and always. x.Tom

As each word slipped into my mind, it became clearer and clearer. We were done. He was no longer... mine.

I covered my mouth. Trying to keep myself from screaming. I just cried.

I walked into our bedroom, to see all of our keepsakes, on the bed. As I looked at the notes, and the sweatshirt... my heart stopped.

Everything we had, didn't matter anymore. It was all just another memory. But I couldn't find it in me, to burn them. So I just stared at them. I read the notes over and over again. "That dress is too beautiful to be old." x.Tom Hiddleston

I wanted to go back to that day, I wanted to rewind. I was reminded of all our good times. I thought about everything we made, and I watched it go down the drain.

How was I going to get through this? How was I going to get over Tom?

All I could do was cry, and scream out his name. Hoping that maybe... he might come back.

Just come home.

Sorry this took so long to write. I had a bit of writers block! Another sad chapter, and its official. Jessica and Tom, are done.*** GOOD NEWS***... we have gotten through the saddest part! its only up-hill from here! I promise! x.Ashley
Thanks guys!<3333

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