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I woke up, happy. Like no other feeling in the world. Nothing could destroy that feeling. I wouldn't let it.

I couldn't help but think about yesterday. Tom showed me just how much he loved me. He loved me so much. I knew that before, but now, I knew for sure.

As I was recalling last nights events, I remembered falling asleep, while on the cliff with Tom.

But I don't remember waking up after that.

How could that be? Because I am in my bed right now.

When I finally dragged myself out of bed, I saw Tom in the kitchen.

He smiled. "Good Morning, Sleepy."

I laughed. "Hey, how did I get home last night?"

He looked confused. "The limo took us home."

I nodded. "I know, but, I was asleep in your arms, on the cliff, and then I woke up in our bed, how?"

He smiled. "Oh. I carried you."

I laughed obnoxiously. "You carried me, a pregnant elephant, all the way into the house and into the bed."

He laughed. "Yes. I am able to pick my own wife up, by myself."

I grinned. "I don't believe you."

He began to walk over to me. "Oh you don't? Well, I guess I'm going to have to show you."

As he spoke, he swooped me up and off my feet. I yelped, and then laughed. "Okay I believe you! I believe you, now put me down please!"

He chuckled. "You're not going to fall. I promise you, I wouldn't let that happen."

He carried me into our bedroom. "Okay so last night, I carried you in here..."

He laid me on our bed. "And I took off your shoes, and I un-tied you hair, and I let it fall to your shoulders, then I pulled up the sheets, and I kissed you goodnight." Then he kissed me on the lips.

"You are such a gentleman." I said.

He smiled. "I'd do anything, for you."

"I'd do anything for you too, except carry you. I don't think I could do that." I joked

He laughed. "No, I don't think you could carry me."

He sat down beside me on the bed. "Did you really think that I couldn't carry you?"

I smiled. "No, I knew you could carry me, I just wanted you to do it again."

He smiled mischievously. "Oh I see."

He picked me up again. "Where would you like to go, to the bathroom, to the kitchen?"

I laughed. "The living room!"

He walked me to the living room and sat me on the couch, then sat down beside me.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, and we just sat there. In complete silence. Holding one another.

"This is my favorite pass time. To just be here with you." He said.

"Me too. I could do this everyday." I answered back to him.

He took my hand. "I wish we could do this everyday."

I looked at him. "Why can't we?"

He looked at me. "Hun, I have to start working again. I need to keep up my career, to support our family."

I sighed. "So, does that mean you'll have to travel?"

He nodded. "Sometimes. But when I do, I'm always just a phone call away."

I looked at him. "Promise me that when you do start acting again, that you'll have time to be a good husband, to be a good father."

He kissed my hand and held it against his face. "I promise you."

I took a deep breath. "When are you going to start?"

He thought for a moment. "I'm going to start trying out for roles next week. But I won't take parts that are going to force me to be away from you. I'll take local parts until our babies come, To be closer to you and them."

I was a little bit relieved to hear that. "Good."

He sighed. "I am going to do my best, Jessica. I want to be a good father. I want to be a good husband. I want to be a good actor. I just hope, that I can be all of these people, without screwing things up."

I felt terrible that I was putting this stress and pressure on Tom. I wanted to reassure him. "Tom, you are going to be a great Father. And right now, you are already a perfect husband, and a talented actor. So don't worry. I know you can do it. And I'll be here to help you. We are in this together, remember. Forever and always."

As I spoke, he began to tear up. He tried to hide it, but I knew. "I'm sorry Jessica. I know, men don't cry, but... the last thing I would want is to ruin what we have, and I'm so scared that it is going to happen. I won't be home, my children won't see their father, you won't be able to see me. What if that happens?"

As he explained, his eyes filled with tears. I took both of his hands, and I looked deeply into his eyes. "Hey, listen to me...that isn't going to happen! You are not that kind of man. I know you more than you think. And you and I are strong. This family will be strong! Your children are going to love you more than anything in this world. And I am going to love you until the end of time."

He wrapped his arms around my body, and he didn't let go.

I hugged him tighter.

In all the time that we have been together, he has never opened up to me, like he did today. I felt, special to be the person that he turned to.

He was usually my reassurance. This time, I was his. And It felt good.

"Jessica. I don't think you understand how much I needed that. How much I need you." he said.

I smiled. "No, I understand, because I need you just as much. And when you help me, I need that too."



After a while of talking. Tom and I were laying on the couch.

He had his head right over my stomach. He was talking to T and Junior. "Hello in there! This is your Daddy. I love you."

Almost immediately after he spoke to them, our babies kicked. And I felt it.

My eyes widened. "The babies are kicking!" I took Toms hand and ran it across my stomach, to the spot where they kicked.

The babies kicked once again. Tom felt it, and his face lit up with surprise. "I just felt it!"

I smiled. "I was wrong when I said that our children are going to love you, because i guess they already do."

He grinned and kissed me.

He thought for a moment, then looked up to me. "I can't wait to hold them in my arms. I can't wait to see their little faces. I am so excited."

I watched his face glow with excitement as he talked about T and Junior. Like he was picturing it in his mind. I was happy to know that he was excited. "I'm excited too. I wonder what they are going to look like."

Tom laughed. "Well, if they take after you, they are going to be the most beautiful human beings on earth."

#RealMenCry Hope you liked this update! may be another update tonight!

Unpredictable (Tom Hiddleston FanFic / Unexpected Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now