Is This A Dream

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What is happening to me?

I could see myself. Surrounding by a crowd of doctors.

I was standing over my unresponsive body. I wasn't attached to it.

This can't be happening. No one could see me... I was, a ghost.

But everyone focused on the me, laying in the hospital bed. I finally put the pieces together. "I'm dying." I whispered to myself.

"Jessica." I heard a familiar voice behind me.

And I couldn't quite believe what I saw when I turned around.

I stood there in complete shock and confusion. "Alexis?"

She nodded. "Hi Jessica." she said with a grin.

This is not happening. I began to cry. I didn't know what else to do. "Is this a dream?" I whispered to her.

She sighed. "Unfortunately, no. This is real. Jessica, you are dying. The doctors are doing everything they can to fix you right now."

I looked over to the crowd of doctors surrounding my limp corpse. "So, I can see you right now... because I'm dying?"

She nodded once again. "Yes."

I turned to her. "I can't believe you are right in front of me. I thought I'd never speak to you again."

She smiled as her angelic hand touched my shoulder. "You should have known that you'd see us again."

I looked at her, confused. "Us?"

"Hey sista!" I heard another voice. And immediately knew who it was.

"Tara!?" I said. Covering my mouth. The girl I haven't seem since the day she died. The day she got in that car accident. She was right there. My sister.

"Its me." She said sweetly, with a smile on her face.

I grabbed them and hugged them tight. I was hugging, my angels.

I let go of them.

Alexis smiled at me and touched her hand to the silver heart-shaped necklace wrapped around my neck. The one she gave me. "You still wear your necklace."

I nodded, Wiping the dry tears off of my face. "Every day, since the day you have it to me."

Tara looked at the necklace, and the words on it. 'Best Friends Forever' and on the other side 'Jessica, Tara, Alexis'

She grinned. "So this is the necklace. Every word on that necklace is true."

I smiled at her. Still so astonished that I was hearing her voice again, I was talking to them.

Alexis took my hands. "Now, about this Tom thing..."

I shook my head. "We broke up. He doesn't want to be with me."

Alexis laughed. "Yes he does."

Tara looked at me. "I may have not been able to meet this man, but from what I see... he loves you so much. He was supposed to be shooting for his movie today, and he dropped everything to get here, for you."

I shook my head. "He did that so he could be there for his children, not me."

Tara took my hand and led me out of the hospital room. The doctors were still working on me.

I looked at her. "Where are we going?"

Alexis followed behind us. "We are going to see what Tom is doing right now."

Unpredictable (Tom Hiddleston FanFic / Unexpected Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now