One Month Passed

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It had been 4 weeks... 730.484 hours, one month, since I last saw Tom.

I still couldn't get him out of my mind. I thought about our last kiss, how it felt. How we felt, fire... passion, love.

I was doing okay, despite the breakup. I was being positive. My babies were only one short month away from being here. I couldn't wait to hold them, and love them. That's all I need.

I haven't talked to Tom since the day he left. I didn't know what we were doing. Were we just taking a break, or were we... divorcing.

The feeling of not knowing, killed me the most. The feeling of not being able to predict our outcome. Our future was unpredictable.

I have been talking to Kate everyday. She helps me. She cheers me up. She gets my mind off of him.

My book, well... I haven't done anything with it. I was still writing the parts about Tom. And I just couldn't find it in me, to bring up the past, not when I don't know my future.



It was mid afternoon. I was exhausted. I still didn't sleep very well. Tom still haunted my dreams.

I cleaned the whole house, and cooked dinner, for one.

I was just sitting down to eat when there was a knock on the door.

My heart stopped. Was it him?

I walked slowly to the door. My shaky hand reached out to the door knob, and I twisted it open. Expecting to see Tom standing In the doorway.

It wasn't Tom.

"Surprise!" Kate screamed.

I jumped in shock. "Kate!" I grabbed her and hugged her tight. "What are you doing here?"

She grinned. "Spring break! Which means I got to come and see you!"

I covered my mouth with my hand, completely blind sided, but so excited.

Seeing my best friend standing right in front of me, after months... in the time that I needed her most. It was a good feeling. And it brought out a mix of emotions. I laughed at first, then there was a moment that tears fell from my eyes.

"I'm so happy to see you!" I smiled, wiping my tears from my eyes.

"Me too, so are you going to let me in, or am I just going to stand in your doorway all night!?" She said with sarcasm.

I laughed. "Come on in!"



I cooked up another meal, and we sat in the living room, watching movies all night.

Kate sat back with her feet stretched across the coffee table. "I missed doing this."

I smiled. "Me too. So how long can you stay?"

Kate looked at me. "Spring break is a week long."

I sighed. "A week?" That was going to go by so quick. My heart filled with disappointment.

Kate grinned. "But, I'm staying a month."

I looked at her in shock. "What! How!?"

She laughed. "I told them it was a family matter I had to attend to."

"You lied!" I responded.

She shook her head. "No! I needed to be here to see my niece and nephew be born! I just exaggerated the truth!"

I laughed. "Oh, I love you Kate."

She hugged me. "I love you too. Now let's make this month fun, shall we?"

Unpredictable (Tom Hiddleston FanFic / Unexpected Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now