I'm not in trouble but I am

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I wake up in a dirt cell and I slowly open my eyes. I groan and rub my head. I look at the ceiling and slowly sit up.

"Obi? Obi-wan?" I call out as I stand. I check my belt for my saber, but it's gone. "Oh no."

I begin to assess the situation. I have no weapons and I don't know where I am. I have to escape and get a message out to either Obi-wan or Anakin. Then I just wait for them to come pick me up here. The only problem is I have no idea where here is. I let out a frustrated groan and I sit against the wall facing the door. I stare at the door thinking for I don't know how long. I am brought out of my thoughts when I hear clicking noises, but they aren't from shoes. They are the clicking noises of Geonosians. So I must be on Geonosis. They sound like they are panicking, so I decide to listen in.

"There are Jedi in the factory. We must stop Jedi." One clicks.

"How would Jedi find us here? Jedi stupid." Another one says. Hey I take that personal. I'm a jedi and I found my way here. Well not really. I found myself in a cell here. Maybe I should just stop.

"We must go to factory. Fight is there." Another one clicks and then they all fly by my cell. I sit here thinking about it. Jedi? Has Obi-wan broken in here? Maybe I should try to reach out to him.


"Vanna, where are you? Are you alright?" He asks.

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yes. Where are you?"

"I'm on Geonosis. Currently locked in a cell. Where are you?" I ask.

"I'm on Geonosis. I am chained up by energy bonds." He says and I sigh.

"Obi-wan, the Geonosians are saying that there is a Jedi in their factory. Did anyone join up with you?"

"No. I don't know who it could be.

I hear someone come down the hallway and I lay back down where I was a moment ago in the exact same position. I close my eyes and the doors open and then I feel myself being picked up. I hear the clicking noises of Geonosians as I feel myself being laid in the back of a cart with my hands chained above my head. The cart begins to move and I open my eyes slightly. I see a factory that builds battle droids.

"Oh no. What did we get into?" I think and I feel a disturbance in the force. "Obi-wan?"

"Vanna, where are you are you alright?" He asks.

"I'm fine. We have bigger problems."

"I know. Dooku is here along with another force user. They keep referencing you. Are you in danger?" He asks.

"I don't think so. They are moving me." I say as we start passing in front of cells. Then suddenly we stop and I close my eyes and they drag me into the new room.

"Vanna!" I hear Obi-wan yell. I so badly want to comfort him, but I can't just yet.

"Oh dear. Oh no this can't be right. There has been a mistake." I hear Dooku say hurriedly and I feel someone gently pick up my head. I slowly open my eyes and I see a familar face that I never thought that I'd see again. My breath gets caught in my chest and my eyes widen. I push him away and I back away from him quickly.

"No. No. No it can't be. This is a trick." I say and he stares at me.

"Vanna, what's going on? Who is he?" I hear Obi-wan ask slightly panicked.

"T-that's my master." I say and I can feel his gaze leave me. My old master stares at me with yellow eyes.

"Vanna, it's good to see you again. You've gotten more beautiful." He says as he moves a piece of hair out of my face. I glare at him and smack his hand away.

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