Medbay again

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I wake up to the annoying sound of beeping. I slowly open my eyes and look around. I am in the medbay once again. I can't seem to escape these stupid medbays. I try to sit up, but a hand makes me stay down. I look to my left and I see Shaak Ti sitting next to me.

"Master Shaak Ti? What's going on?" I ask with a very raspy voice. She brings a drink over and sticks the straw between my lips. I know better than to resist what she wants me to do, so I drink it.

"You have been unconscious for two weeks now. Dooku and Stark have got away. Anakin is on Naboo with senator Amidala. Reese has been training with Master Kenobi who volunteered to guide him while you are recovering." She explains and I nod.

"Well, I'm fine now. I have to get back to Reese and I've got to figure out why master Stark is still alive and why he betrayed the order." I say as I try to get out of the bed and Shaak Ti makes me stay in the bed.

"No. You have been through so much. The masters have ordered you to rest. The med droids are watching you very closely." She says and I lay back and sigh. 

"Fine. How long do I need to stay here?" I ask a bit impatiently and she smiles.

"Hard to say. The droids wanted to do a full assessment when you woke up." She says and I nod. After a while, the med droid comes in and checks me over.

"So what's the verdict?" I ask the droid. 

"You still have some internal injuries, but you appear to be better. Recommendations for leave of absence from active missions for a period of time. Going back to your residence is recommended." The droid says and I shake my head.

"Fine. I suppose I don't have a choice. I'll go rest at my apartment for a while. I have a friend who will stay with me to help out." I say and Shaak Ti nods. I try to get up and I am stopped.

"You cannot leave until morning." Shaak Ti says and I gawk at her. 

"What? Come on I hate medbays. Please just let me go home. This bed is uncomfortable." I say and she gives me a look. I sigh and lay back in the bed. I go back to sleep even in the uncomfortable bed.

(A few hours later) 

I wake as I feel new yet familiar presents come into the room. I open my eyes and see Obi-wan sitting next to me. 

"Hey." He says softly as he stands and moves closer. 

"Hey," I say and he takes my hand and kisses it.

"How are you feeling?" He asks and I sigh.

"Horrible if I'm being honest," I say and I shift slightly and wince. He sits on the bed with me and holds my hand.

"They told me that you could go home in a few hours. They also said that you told them that you had someone to help you. Who is it?" He asks and I smile.

"Do you remember Anakin's mother?" 

"Shmi? Of course, I do." He says.

"Well after we... joined together before my long mission. I went back to Tatooine and set her free. She's lived with me ever since. I wanted to get her off that planet as much as she wanted off of it." I say and he smiles.

"I'm glad she is safe. Anakin has been talking about wanting to see her again. Maybe he can come over and they can reunite." He says and I nod. "Why don't you come to my apartment for a few days?" 

I smile. "Because you are a bit handsy, mister," I say and he blushes. "Besides she probably won't let me out of her sight for a while." 

"Fine, but when you get better you are coming and staying with me for a while." He says and I smile.

"Okay. I won't fight you on that. Now come and lay with me. I miss you." I say and he smiles. He then gets up and lays on the bed in the spot I made for him then wraps his arms around me. We lay like this for a long time until I fall asleep. 

(The next day) 

I wake up and Obi-wan is still laying next to me. I smile and lay my head on his chest. I've missed him.

I feel his hand gently rubbing my back and I sigh contently. 

"Are you awake, Vanna?" He asks softly and I look at him.

"Yeah." I lay my head back down and close my eyes. 

"Hey. Don't fall asleep again. I am going to take you to your place soon." Obi-wan says and I groan as I hide my face in his side. 

"I don't want to get up yet," I say and he chuckles as he kisses my head. 

"Well, I need to, love. They will be here soon to check on you and to make sure that you are ok to leave. I need to get up." He says and I sigh then I let him up. I watch as he stretches and stands up. He turns at me and smirks. "Liking what you see, love?" 

"Mmhmm. Well, at least the butt is good." I say and his face turns red. He goes to respond, but one of the med droids comes in. 

"Master Curchict, how are you feeling?" 

"Fine. I'm ready to go home. Can I go home now?" I ask and the droid does some routine checks and then processes the information. 

"You are stable enough to leave, but the Council has been notified that you will need to take some leave so that you may heal up." The droid says and I nod. 

"Alright. Can I go home now?" I ask and the droid nods. I sit up and Obi-wan comes over to help me stand. I'm glad he did because my legs are very weak and I've gotten very dizzy very quickly. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"This is stupid," I mumble and he chuckles.

"You'll be back to your hyperactive self soon. You need rest and to allow your body some time to heal." He leans down and whispers in my ear, "Can you walk?"

"I think so. At least to the speeder." I say and I feel him nod and we start walking. He carries most of my weight as we walk to the speeder. Once we get there I get in and sigh. He goes to the other side and starts making his way to my apartment. I lay my head back and slowly fall asleep. A little while later I feel him pick me up bridal style and carry me into my apartment.

"Is she alright?" Shmi asks with worry edging into her voice.

"We had a rough time on our last mission. She got the worst of it. She has to stay here and rest for a few days and then I will come by and pick her up. She and I need to take care of some business." Obi-wan says and I smile to myself as he carries me to my room. He lays me down and I open my eyes and look up at him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you, darling." He says as I try to sit up. He puts his hand on my shoulder keeping me in bed and I halfheartedly glare at him. "You aren't that scary, darling. You need rest."

"I would normally argue, but I am too tired right now," I say and he pulls my covers up over my shoulder and then kisses my head.

"Get some rest, darling. I'll be by later to check on you. I love you, Mrs. Kenobi." I smile as he uses our shared name.

"I love you too, Mr. Kenobi," I say and I pull him down to me and kiss him. "Don't stay away too long."

"I promise." He says and then I snuggle into my bed and fall back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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