So I've been a little depressed for the last two or so hours. If you haven't already heard X died today.
The twenty year old had so much moving and he just had to go like that? It saddens me so much I can't get out of this cloudy head. The man died two days after Tupac's birthday y'all, and the same way. He was shot in his car.
It bothered me fake ass fans were grieving so I deleted IG and SC. That guy did so much for us and I hope his family does well and past this.
I'm telling you to value your life, this book isn't about trying to bring negativity out. It's about the ups and downs of my life and what it can do to entertain you or inform you. Maybe inspire you but I'm not that big of an inspiration I want to just be someone's wake up call.
Value that you are, that you're here for a reason. People love you and care for you. You aren't here for no reason, you need to experience and explore for you reason . This is the hard work it is to be alive but once you get what you worked for you'll be so happy. Whether your goal is to be happy and not depressed or to graduate highschool or to finally leave the house. We all have our hardships but we all can be above them and I need you to love yourself enough to get up and want to do something. Want to walk your dog, want to read a book, want to love painting, want to cut toxic things and people out.
I love you so much , I hope you get that want and desire. Please.