The title is my dumbass being funny 😂😂.
Latelyyyy I got this nasty nasty nasty acne on my forehead and I look like a fucking rat. Damn. I've taken pictures for vacation and bitchhh I can see them damn ugly fucking dots on my forehead.
Can someone report my ass for cussing this much , I'm sorry.
Not . Bitch .
I'm so stupid 😂, but forrealll this dumb fuck ass acne on my forehead won't leave. Leave damn no one wants you oily hoe. Ugh I don't even eat shit, I'm out here eating clean cause my uncle and auntie eat healthy as fuck. OH MY GAHHHHH.
I had this shit since March and hoe, I don't get acne like that! Someone done cursed my ass because they don't like me. Stupid jealous hoe, I hate every male or female , damnnn I don't trust no one who says male or female.
They lowkey disrespectful . I promise I'm not a hypocrite I'm just mad stupid. YA KNOW .
So let's see if I sleep in the next two or three hours. Hopefullly I do but I
haven't been sleeping since April.Two Days Later
A Word to my dumbass past self and ex boyfriend.fuck you dumb bitch 😂