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Same as always.

I got to work at 4, and yoongi came in at 11:30.

And I already knew what he wanted, so I walked over to the seat he always sits in.

"How are you today yoongi?"I said and gently placed down the mug of coffee.

He smiled looking at my face. I turn to look at him, awaiting an answer.

"It was ok, but what about you.
How has your day been Y/N?" He asked smiling at me.

I sighed deeply and just looked at him.

"It been a day, "I say tiredly.

He shifts in his chair straightening his back.

He then pushes the chair in front of him with his leg outstretching.

"Well...won't you sit down to tell me bout it?" He said, but his smile was a little demanding.

Like it was forced.

"N-no I have work-"

"OH PLEASE Y/N, no one comes in at this hour but me" he cut me off rudely, I blinked twice but decide not to anger him.

So I just give in and sit down in front of him.

"Well, this guy came in...And He was super rude and it ruined my whole day" I said slowly.

But while I said it, his hands began to clench.

"Yea he was an asshole," he says in a whisper, but I heard it.
"W-What?"I say, I second-guessed and just assumed he was assuming he was an asshole.

But he used past tense.

Something was up.

He looked at me with a smile, and so I asked the question I've wanted to ask ever since he started walking me home.

"Have...have you been stalking me yoongi?"I say with a fearful voice.

And his lips curved up into a sadistic smile, his eyes boring into mine.

"Y/N, do you think I'm stalking you?" He asks in a giggly tone, that smile still plastered across his face.

My heart skipped a beat and I jumped up from my seat.
"W-well I think I'm just gonna close early," I said and started walking to the break room to grab my stuff, but he yanked me back by my wrist and held it firmly.

"Oh yea Y/N, Are you free tomorrow?" He asked, he was smirking as if he was daring me to say no.

Like he wanted me to say no.

"I-I was, but I have this friend and-"

"Y/N what reason do you have to lie to me" he cut me off again, then gently caressed my cheek.

"I would never hurt you"

And after he said that, he walked out of the café.

I rushed to the break room, grabbed my stuff and clocked out.

I didn't want to walk home because I was still weirded out.

So I waved down a taxi and went home.

then hoped that I wouldn't be killed in my sleep.

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