
901 45 7

When I woke up, I was still on the couch with yoongi holding me tightly.

My heart began to beat.

The key.

I slowly pushed his arms off of me and slipped my clothes on.

I was about to walk down the steps, but stopped in my tracks.

I turnedy head around slowly to look at him.

"Fuck"I whispered.

He has the key, I remember when he opened the door with it and we walked up here.

I walked over to him slowly, then stopped to think for a moment.

He's naked, so it's in his jean pockets.

I looked at his clothes lyeing on the ground and was about to grab the key.

But wait.

I walked over to the front door and twisted the knob.

It creeked open slowly.

"Its unlocked"I whispered.

Tears falling from my eyes.

I turned and looked at yoongi, he turned and groaned, but none the less his eyes were still closed.

I thought about staying for a moment.

But fuck that.

I jolted out of the front door, running as fast as I could thru the feilds.

I was halfway away from the house, but then I heard him yell.


He was screaming my name, it made me slow down a bit, but then I kept going.

My heart was pounding and my lungs were burning, his voice screaming my name.

I won't stop running.

He must have a back up plan, something, he knew this would happen sooner or later, so I know not to stop for anything.

I have to be smart, but I'm this many I can't even think straight, I just keep running.


I've been running for about an hour now and I still haven't found a town, or a house, nothing.

I slowed down and collapsed to my knees.

Tears fell from my eyes as I looked around.

"I'm in the middle of fucking nowhere"I began to sob.

I was happy I escaped, but damn was i tired.

There was probably nothing, for miles from here.

I got up and stood on my feet.

I cant stop here, I have to keep going.

So I began to walk.


It was began to get dark.

And as I looked around I felt as if I would never make it out of here.

But then I saw lights, no, a house.

I began to cry tears of joy.

"Oh thank God!" I spoke as I began to run to the house.

Sure it was pretty far, but as I got closer the distance shrunk, obviously.

I jumped onto the porch and began to bang on the door.

An old man opened it slowly, then once he saw me he opened it wider.

"W-what's wrong little lady?"

I breathed, drool dripping from my mouth from the running and no water.


I breathed deeply.

"I-I need help, a man, a-a complete phsycho, I've been locked up and-and"I stopped to catch my breath again.

"Honey who is it?"an old women walked beside her, I assume husband and looked at me confused.

"She says she needs help"he said moving aside.

The old lady wrapped her arm around me and pulled me into the house.

"Come on young lady, I'll start you a shower"she spoke softly.

"I-I need the police! The police, call them" I spoke as tears fell.

"I'll call them"the man said as he walked to the kitchen.

He grabbed the phone and punched in a few Numbers.

"Its ok, he's calling them, let's go get you cleaned up, yea?"


After the shower, she gave me some clothes and brought me downstairs.

"The police will be here soon, but In the mean time, I cooked you some dinner"

I sat down at the table, as they sat down with me.

Food was spread across the table and a plate infront of me, already fixed.

"So, would you like to talk about what's going on?"

I sighed and took a gulp of the water, then looked at my plate.

"I was kidnapped, by a man that lives a bit further from here and I escaped...And now I'm here"I spoke slowly.

"The young man a few miles from here?"

My eyes shot up to the old lady.

The man looked at me.

"What's his name little lady?"

I breathed in and out slowly.

"M-min yoongi"

The old lady gasped.

"I never would have thought, yoongi is such a sweet young man"

I looked down at my food and states at the chicken and rice that sat neatly on the plate, a tear falling from my eyes.

Suddenly there was a pounding on the door.

"Must be the police"the man stood up and rushed to the door.

I sighed in releif, but it was to soon.

I heard a deafening scream and gun shots from the door.

Yoongi stomped into the kitchen and shot the old lady in the head, then looked at me with a grin.

Tears fell down my cheeks.

"I found you"

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