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Yoongi ended up sleeping in the room with me, cuddling me and holding me close.

It was like he was afraid of me disapearing.

But he should be.

As soon as I get the chance to leave I'm going to leave.

But everytime I look at him I can't help but feel horrible.

I've always been a very careing person.

Something in me just wants to tell him to get help, but he would probably get mad.

But no matter what, I'm gonna leave.

I didn't sleep until really early in the moring, I woke up and felt relieved when he wasn't beside me.

I looked down and I had the chain hooked to my ankle once again, so as instinct I started looking for something to pick the lock with.

But there was nothing.

I got up from the bed and walked over to the wall with my photos on it, I got halfway there until I felted the chains length stop.

So I just stood there looking at them, I didn't freak out like on the first day I saw them, but this time I just observed them.

He had been stalking me way before I even met him, how scary is that?

I stood there in silence until I heard foot steps coming down the hall, so i jumped into the bed and pretended to be asleep.

The door opened and the footsteps slowly walked closer to were I am.

I had my eyes closed but I knew it was yoongi.

He put his hand on my cheek.

"I know your awake Y/N"


I slowly fluttered my eyelids open to see that he was looking straight into my eyes.

I shivered under his touch.

He then leaned back and grabbed my chained ankle pulling out a key ring with several keys on it.

He then unlocked it, but kept his hand on my ankle and yanked me closer to him.

I was looking him straight in the eyes.

"I'm gonna stop keeping you on this chain, but you only come out of this room if you ask permission"he said with a stern look.

He stood back then waved his hand twards himself gestureing me to get up.

I slowly got off of the bed and walked over to where he was standing and he grabbed my hand gently walking out of the room.

We walked to were the table was and it was already set with dinner.

"You slept for a really long time, i was gonna wake you up for breakfast and lunch, but you were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't wanna mess with you."He said pulling out a chair for me to sit in.

I sat down and then he sat down in the seat directly infront of me.

We then had a sort of stareing contest, but then we began to eat.

I wasn't really hungry, but after what happened last time.


He looked at me the whole time, his eyes were locked on me.

I looked back at him a few times but none the less kept my attention on the food infront of me.

He leaned back just a bit, his eyes slowly averted to my lips.

This time I just put down my fork and put my hands in my lap.

"I'm finished"I said looking at him.

His eyes shifted from my lips and he smiled.

"Me too"he said calmly.

We sat in silence, until he broke it with a question.

"Y/N, do you trust me?" He asked looking me in the eyes.

I stayed silent.

I could tell he was getting impatient as his foot tapped on the floor.

"Y/N, i asked you question"he said lowly.

I didn't trust him, but I had to leave and he needs to trust me, so maybe me trusting him is him trusting me.

"Yes"I said softly looking at him.

"Yes what?"he asked looking intensly at me.

Why me.

"Yes, I trust you"i said softly my eyes begining to water.

He then stood up and crouched down infront of me, grabbing my jaw gently turning my head to look at him.

He began to smile sadisticly.

He smiled the smile I hate.

"Are you lieing Y/N"he asked.

I didn't answer.

His hand gripped my jaw as he stood yanking me up with him.


I began to cry, tears slipping down my cheeks drenching his fingers.

Something passed thru his eyes as he repeated himself.

"Do you trust me?"he asked again this time he looked as if he was about to start crying himself.

"I trust you yoongi"I said trying to reassure him, even tho I was lieing.

i gave him my most reassuring face and then gently carressed his hand that wrapped around my jaw.

He looked at me then let go.

"Can i have a hug"he said outstretching his arms.

He made me feel horrible, so I pulled him into my arm and he carressed me tightly.

He began to cry into my shoulder.

"Y/N, you were the only one that ever even gave me a chance"
He said tightening his grip.

"Your so beautiful, and you always were"

He kept on talking while stroking my head.

But I was curious as to when he first met me.

I pulled back and looked him in the eyes.

"Yoongi, when did you meet me?"I asked, a little scared of his answer.

"You don't remember?"he asked holding my cheeks in his hands

Wait what?

"You were the only person that ever talked to me in highschool" he said look me into my eyes.

I never knew him before I started working at the café.

"That's when I fell in love with you"

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