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Yoongi decided I didn't have to stay in the room the whole day, and instead spent time with me.

He was so happy to get my attention, but in all seriousness, my attention was on that key.

I had to have it, my ticket to freedom stamped on the wall.

"Oh, Y/N, how I love you"

He grinned.

"Do you like music?"

"Everyone likes music"I said looking at him.

He chuckled.

"Well, I have alot of records upstairs"he gave me a questionable look.

My heart began to pound.

"r-really?" I stuttered.

He hummed and stood up, getting the key from the wall.

"I trust that you'll behave?"

I nodded my head vigorously.

He walked to the stairs, me following behind quietly.

we reached the top, a door standing high and mighty.

He turned and looked at me.

"If you try anything, you will be punished"

I gulped harshly, then nodded my head.

He smirked, then turned back to the door.

My heart pounding as he shoved the key in the knob.

Turning it felt so slow, when really it wasn't at all.

He opens the door slowly, a creek emitting from it.

Then stepped inside, awaiting me to follow.

I rubbed my arm as I walked threw the doorway, taking in the scenery.

He had an interesting decor, it gave off an 80's grunge feel, but it was also very comforting.

The furniture looked warn, but neat.

Yoongi walked to the big shelf full of records, bending down to grab one.

He held it swiftly.

"This one"

he spun back around, showing it to me.

I looked at it.

"Is a good one to dance too"his grin wide.

I nodded sweetly, looking around some more.

My eyes landed on a door, not too far from the couch.

I turned and looked to see where yoongi was, he was putting the record on.

I slowly inched near the door, but stopped as soon as he turned around.

The music began to play, causing a sudden calmness to take over the atmosphere.

Yoongi held out his hand, beckoning me too take it.

And I did, as not to make commotion.

He pulled me gently to him, his hand in mine as the other rest on my hip.

We danced swiftly, I, stepping on his feet a few times, but he only chuckled at me.

We went back and forth, side to side, our feet creating a square in perfect sync.

I was nervous.

Every time we turned, my eyes drifted to the door, I couldn't help myself.


He smiled, his eyes glued to my face.

"Yes my princess"

I've got nothing to loose.

"Where's that door lead"

He stopped ubruptly, the room suddenly filled with an uneasy theme.


His hands clenched around my hand and hip, fear striking me deeply.

"J-just curious"

He chuckled, moving his lips to my ear.

"Why don't you just go find out"

My heart pounded against my rib cage.

He let go, then waved me twards the door.

I walked to it slowly, cautiously would be a better word.

Especially with that look on his face, sending shivers down my spine.

I looked back a second, to see his wicked grin.

Then turned back to the door with my hand resting on the knob.

I let out a shaky breath.

Then turned the knob slowly.

I closed my eyes then yanked it open, light hitting my eyes.

When I opened them, I looked out the door.

There was a huge porch, nice and cozy, with a huge field and some trees set out infront.

It looks as if it could go on for miles, yards even.

We're in the middle of nowhere.

I heard footsteps come up behind me, his arms snaking around my waste.

"Isn't it beautiful, well, not as beautiful as you of course"

A tear fell down my cheek as I sucked in deeply.

I then began sobbing into my hands.

Yoongi's arms tightened, then he began to laugh at me.

"What? Did you think there'd really be a chance for you to leave? Your such a clutz Y/N"he laughed even harder, turning me around to face him.

"Awe~ don't be such a crybaby, you know I'm never gonna let you leave, so why even try?"

I wiped my tears and breathed in deeply.

"What did I do wrong?"

He pulled me into a hug and began rubbing my back in circles of comfort.

"Nothing Y/N, your perfect"

I sobbed into his chest.

He chuckled.

"Your so dull sometimes, I mean seriously"

He pulled away.

"What did you think it would be? Your apartment complex?!"

He began to laugh some more, but something triggered me.

It was hurtful, It was spiteful, he was being a complete asshole.

I took one good look at his face, then did something stupid.

I slapped him.

He was so shocked, and didn't utter a single word.

He looked at me with such distaste, and I to him.

Suddenly, I could see the veins in his hands pop to the surface of his skin, his braws furrowed in anger.

He grabbed me by my shoulders and slammed me against the wall.


tears began streaming down my face out of fear, I was only upset.

I mean, what did he expect? Who wouldn't be hopeing for there hometown to be just outside that door.

I gripped his shirt and leaned into him, his hands still gripping my shoulders.

"I just wanna go home"

He pushed me away and looked at me.

"This is home"

His face softend as he hugged me tightly.

"Its our home"

Our painful home.

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