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This chapter contains sexual content, if you haven't noticed I have this book marked as mature, so expect more in the future.
If you don't want to read it, I advice you to skip the chapter

That night I didn't sleep just like the night before.

I was so confused, I never met him in highschool.

I never knew a min yoongi till now.

but I decided not to think on it very much because I needed sleep, I focused on sleeping and it worked out for the most part.

the next morning i woke up with yoongi pulling me into his chest.

I breathed in his scent, a mixture of cigarettes and old spice.

It actually smelled good.

I breathed in deeply as my fingers curled into his shirt, he smiled with his eyes opening to look at me.

"good morning doll~"he said softly.

I looked at him for a few seconds then pushed my cold nose back into his chest attempting to go back to sleep in his comfortable arms.

he chuckled then hugged me tightly.

it felt good to have someone actually care for me, it felt good to be hugged tightly.

but there was still one teeny problem.

he fucking kidnapped me.

he got up from embracing me, looking at me sweetly.

"I'm gonna make breakfast then I'll come back to get you"he said with a smile then walked out of the room locking it as he left.

I breathed in, grabbing my hair in frustraition.

I wish he wasn't the way he is, and I feel as if I care for him, but I have to leave.

I have too.

he came back 30mins later, then we walked to the table.

we began eating as he starred at me with a big grin.

"what"I asked with my mouth full.

his smile turned into a smirk as if something shifted in his mind then he looked at me, his eyes filled with something unidentified.

"come here"he said licking his lips.

I slowly stood then walked to the opposite side of the table,
infront of him, hugging myself as he gently pulled me to sit in his lap.

"Y/N you have no idea what you do to me"he said as he smashed his lips onto mine, kissing me forcefully.

I tried to push him off with my hands on his chest.

[A/N:I'm cringing, omg]

he then slid everything off the table makeing a loud crash on the floor as he sat me on it leaning in to continue kissing me.

I turned my head away as tears fell from my eyes.

he lifted himself then looked at me cupping my cheek and wipeing my tears.

"I love you so much Y/N"he said looking at me.

I wanted him off of me, I kept pushing him trying get him off, but that made him angry.

he gripped my jaw, pulling me forward looking into my eyes.

"why are you fucking crying"he said harshly.

my tears fell quicker as I let out a whimper of pain, he clenched my jaw harder.

"Y/N, i want to make you feel good, but all your doing is crying. STOP FUCKING CRYING!!" he yelled into my face making me flinch as I cried even more out of fear.

"let me go, please let me go"I sobbed out loudly begging him as I gripped his shirt.

he then let out a long breathy chuckle, his head falling in the crook of my neck slowly lifting his face back up gasping.

"your scaaared"he stretched his words as he began to chuckle again.

Yea, I am.

he moved his hands flat onto the table on both sides of my head, lifting himself to get a good look at me while he smiled sadistically.

his body was between my legs as he stared down at me, I felt vulnerable.


my hands were at his chest pushing, with tears falling down my cheeks.

I hate this, I hate it.

he then moved his hands down to my hips gripping tightly, pulling me to his bottom half roughly.

he then groaned pushing his head into the crooked of my neck.

"fuck"he said lowly as he brought his head back up.

I shook my head begging him to stop.

he ignored my crys as he began to roll his hips into me roughly, groaning at the feeling.

I cringed as my belly tingles with pleasure, I didn't want it.

he continued to groan lowly as he rolled into me, his hard length rubbing against my bottom half, causeing waves of unwanted pleasure to strike thru me like lightening.

Why me?

Out of every person, every girl in the world, it had to be me that wound up here with a phsychopath.

he gripped my hips tightly, then bit my colar bone stopping himself from going any further.

then leaned away and sat back in his chair.

and I curled up into a ball on the table as he huffed heavy breaths.

"I want you so badly"

I don't Feel the same, sorry.

he stood up, picking me up from off the table taking me back to the room.

he then layed me down hovering over me with a face full of lust, but then he squeezed his eyes shut leaning into my chest, squeezing me into a hug.

"I'm sorry"he said lowly with a groan.

he then stood up then quickly walked out locking the door, planning to finish by himself.

and I curled into a ball again crying.

I honestly want to die.

I want to leave.

I'm going to leave.

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