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the whole day he stayed with me, bringing me food and asking me questions.

everytime he left the room I would get up and look around to see if there was anything to unlock the door, but nothing.

atleast I was off the chain.

he gave me a bath before we went to bed, I didn't sleep.

I was waiting for him to fall asleep completly.

once I heard his soft snores I shifted to where I was facing his chest.

I remember he had a key ring in his pocket, so I brought my hand down to his pocket.

I looked at his neck as I slipped my hand into his pocket slowly, feeling around for the keys.

not in this one.

"fuck"i whispered.

he shifted a bit, turning to were he was laying flat.


I then slipped my hand into his other pocket.

I then pulled out the keys looking at his face.

I got up softly walking to the door.

I tried atleast three keys, until I heard him groan.

flinching, I dropped the keys.

Then looked back to see if he was awake and thankfully he wasn't.

I picked the keys up and began shoving them in the again.

I finished all ten of the keys, not one of them fit.

so I walked back over to the bed, putting the keys back into his pocket.

I sat up thinking hard about what to do, but then I looked down at yoongi.

I didn't know how I would get out, but I had to figure out something.

I decided to sleep on it and figure something out the next moring.

When I woke up, the room door was open.

as soon as I see it, I jumped up and ran out.

Jogging down the hallway, my goal the staircase, but then I bumped into a firm chest.

Yoongi grabbed my upper arm roughly and slammed me against the wall.

"I knew you'd do that"he said simply.

"D-do what"I said holding onto his wrist as he squeezed my arm.

"I left the door open, because I saw you last night"he said smileing.

my eyes went wide.

"w-what do mean?"I whispered.

he chuckled, but then his face turned into anger as he gripped onto my other arm pushing me up the wall a bit, my feet off the ground.

"I SAW YOU WITH THE KEYS TRYING TO LEAVE!"he yelled into my face.

"I wasn't, i-I Swear!!"I said with tears in my eyes.

"stop. LYING"he yelled as he threw me onto the floor.

"YOU CAN'T LEAVE"he screamed as he put his foot onto my chest.

"i-I'm sorry, I won't do it again"

I was holding his boot trying to push it off.

he gritted his teeth.

"yoongi, i-I love you"I said lyeing thru my teeth with a tear falling down my face ending on my ear.

he lifted his foot off me slowly.

"prove it"he said looking down on me.


"I SAID PROVE IT!" he yelled.

I flinched and jumped up quickly.

Well shit.

I cupped his cheeks and slowly leaned in on my tippy toes.

then I kissed him.

at first he hesitated, but then he began to kiss back.

one of his hands moving down my back while the other held my face.

I hated it, but at the same time I didn't mind it.

I didn't think I had Stockholm syndrome, but all the signs were there.

Other than wanting to leave.

the more time I spend with him, the more I forget about escapeing...and that scares me.

he turned his head deepening the kiss, our lips moving together in harmony.

he began to get agressive, lifting me up and pushing me against the wall.

and that's where I had to stop him.

"y-yoongi"I said turning my head so he couldn't kiss me.

he grabbed my jaw turning me to look at him.

"your so disobedient"he said smirking.

a tear fell down my cheek as I began to push on his chest.

all he did was laugh.

"What's wrong Y/N?, you love me right?!"he said with a big grin as he gripped my jaw tighter.

he then frowned.


i cried silently.

"oh, hush, stop acting like a goddamn child"he said with a laugh.

"but your my child"he whispered into my ear.

I closed my eyes tightly as tears fell.

I was waiting for him to start kissing me again, but he didn't.

I opened my eyes.

he was grinning, squeezing my jaw like a baseball bat.

"whats the matter babydoll? are you scared?"

I looked at him, but then my eyes slowly travled to the wall behind him.

There was a key, hanging on the wall from a thumb tack.

How did I not see it before?


I looked at him.

"This better not happen again"

I nodded, wipeing my tears.

He pulled me into a hug, which I quickly responded too.

"You know how much I love you right?"he said squeezing me tightly.


He smiled, stroking my hair, While I silently cried into his chest.

"All you have to do is listen to me, and we won't have any problems"

I nodded.

"Good, let's eat"

He walked to the table, but my eyes lingered over the key.


I turned and walked to the table.

It's gotta be that one.

That's the key that unlocks the door.

I geuss that's my goal.

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