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Before you ask, I'll go ahead and explain. Yes, there are two names, Seba and Amanda. Why? Well, it's kind of hard to answer that, but I'll do my best.

As I was growing up, I was always the shy, insecure, girl with no friends. Amanda is that girl, I grew up very weak and under spoken, walked on, and used. I could keep the list going, but I'll assume you get the point.

As I got older, I learned that inside, I am none of those things, I am only as much as I make myself worth. Seba, is the girl who will be treated as she deserves and nothing less. She knows her worth, she is determined, she isn't going to let anyone walk on her anymore.

Amanda would have wallowed in her depression and cried. Seba found solutions, went through trial and error, and figured out what works for her and because of that, she is now hitting 10 months of being off any type of medication (accept Advil, writing this takes a lot.)

If that confused you, just think of it as a Pokémon. Amanda is the Charmander (Charmanda if you will) and Seba is the Charizard (Charsebard). I'm aware we skipped Charmeleon but I couldn't think of anything clever to say so we're going to pretend that it just didn't exist.

Some people would consider what I've gone through a problem at the time or maybe even still now, I don't know, but all problems have a solution, it may not be as evident as you'd like, but there's always a way to get through it. Not one human being is perfect, we've all got something to hide, some are just better at hiding it than others. We're all going to have at least one thing in common. Problems. Everyone has them, obviously. 

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