1|||Am seeing things now great||√

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Chapter 1.


I take a huge gulp of the beer wrapped around my hand, I  twist my face into one of disgust; the half moon reflecting down on me, the sound of crickets remind me that am not alone up here.                                
The liquid is now warm from staring at the bottle all night instead of throwing the alcohol down my throat, I wince out in pain rubbing the point between my brows reminding myself of how many bottles have consumed in the past hour.

I throw the bottle down the cliff anger coursing through me, the last bottles went down with the loud sound of the glass shattering but this one takes it time before the sound resonates in my ear.

Well this is getting boring, I lean off the bonnet of my car; its a black range rover I got when I turned 16 two years ago.

I head to open up my door to get the hell out of here when I hear rushing footsteps,alarms ring in my head, there's no way am getting raped and thrown of a cliff tonight, I've seen enough of that on the mews and I won't be a victim.

I rush to unlock my door with the key but my hands vibrate with nervousness and everything is spins maybe finishing off a six pack beer wasn't a good idea, "i wince at the stupid idea"
               my keys fall out of my hands and into the cold wet grass and I scramble to the floor looking for the stupid key in the darkness, soon I feel the cold metal, I clasp my hand around it steady o myself, I hardly get drunk; I always have to make it happen, it's a talent and today I made sure I was drunk as fuck.
I finally open the car and I swing the door open settling in the cool leather

Maybe its not a good time to drive I say to myself groaning slightly, I can just wait it out; "i lock the doors placing my head on the steering wheel" breathing in deeply maybe I should have just stayed at the party but my mind pulls me back to what happened just an hour ago;
that fucking bastard I call my boyfriend well my ex-boyfriend now, cheated on me with Lola Lockwood my high school famous slut, well not really a slut but I can over exaggerate all I want, I just lost my boyfriend to her.
we decided to attend his best friend's party, am a party girl and all when I want to be, but coming in and finding your boyfriends face planted in that bimbo's vay jay jay isn't nice trust me, I shake my head trying to get rid of the image, there's no way I'll ever see him the same again, of all girls to cheat on me with it had to be her, I mean there are a million girls in Los Angeles, he could pick any girl he wants and get her for sure but nooo I had to be Lola probably because he knows she's the only one that can hurt my cold dark heart; I sigh you get in a serious relationship and it punches you right in the boob.

I remove my head from the steering wheel turning my head slightly when i see a shadow in the corner well not more than 20 feet's away from me, i narrow my eye trying to see properly i realise they are two shadows I think arguing?
I stop to think if I should just drive off its not like they are paying any attention to me, I turn back to them when I see a red spark light up following with a green spark almost like magic I furrow my eyebrows and blink and its gone I laugh rather loudly, am seeing things now great!!! Absolutely fucking perfect.

I did not only get cheated on but it seems like I need to get registered in a mental asylum soon, am sure my mom will gladly sign me up.

I laugh more, then I realise I'm drawing attention to myself, I start up my car my lights flashing up the paths to the woods, one of the dark large shadows starts making their way to the car, I press my accelerator gaining speed turning my car around to the gravel road and zooming off, I don't want to find put what they have in store for me.

Soon i see a man In black  jeans and a black hoodie well I can't see his face but by his muscular statue I can tell he's a man, he's footsteps are quick; running after my car, ugh I've had enough tonight, getting raped and killed wasn't on my list of things to do tonight well neither was catching my ex-boyfriend cheating on me but I got to see that delightful sight; I press harder on the accelerator feeling the alcohol in my veins, adrenaline surge through me as I take a very dangerous turn;
I laugh madly when I don't see the guy chasing my car anymore now that am on the main but quiet road I turn to my side mirror, Bad idea!!
my tires screech to a halt almost hitting a tree when I  hear a knock on my window, I refuse to turn to see in case its a monster, I frown, when I start up my car again, I back up trying really hard to avoid the shadow I don't really want to kill anyone today, I zoom down the road with as much speed as I can, I don't get why he chased me all the way just to knock on my window, a killer would immediately kill me, I blink trying to not to think about the fact that he was as fast as my car or the fact he just let me go.

A Little Bit Of Normal (Supernatural) One [UNDER EDITING] √Where stories live. Discover now